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Bats Oxidative Stress Defense

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 January 2019 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Desrayni Hanadhita | Aryani Sismin Satyaningtijas | Srihadi Agungpriyono

Sexual Behavior of Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus) in Taman Safari Indonesia Ex-situ Conservation Facility

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 September 2019 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Nurul Mukhlisah | Ligaya I.T.A Tumbelaka | Entang Iskandar Iskandar


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 September 2021 in Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Authors: Eni Fatiyah | Meidi Syaflan | Mudasetia Hamid

Identification of Worm Types that Infest Bali Cattle in Bolo District

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 November 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Kuntum Khoirani | HY Lukman | Nikmaturrayan Nikmaturayan | Hosin Hosin

Factors Affecting The Participation of Tammekkawatang Grazing Pasture Regency of Pinrang, South Sulawesi

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 10 November 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Andi fitri Faharuddin | Azizah Siti | Wisaptiningsih Umi

Identification of Anthrax in Endemic Areas in South Sulawesi Province

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 September 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Sartika Juwita | Purwanta Purwanta | Muflihanah Muflihanah | Titis Furi Djatmikowati

Encoding Gene Identification in Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B from Nasal Mucosa of the Dog

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Sitti Arifah | Mustofa Helmi Effendi | Bambang Sektiari

Determining Image Opacity in Broiler Respiratory Radiographic Using ImageJ and Ansel Adam’s Zone System

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 March 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Ikhwan Wirahadikesuma | Koekoeh Santoso | Hera Maheshwari | Akhiruddin Maddu


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 16 February 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Puveanthan Nagappan Govendan | Lynn Kaat Laura Kurniawan

Correlation Analysis of Enverontmental Cd Exposure in Liver and Meat of Broiler Chicken

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 July 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Amelia Ramadhani Anshar | Huda Salahudin Darusman | Hera Maheshwari

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Fasciolosis in Bali Cattle in Ujung Loe Subdistrict, Bulukumba Regency

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 March 2020 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Eka Anny Sari | Hadi Purnama Wirawan | Fika Yuliza Purba

Mapping the spread of Avian Influenza Virus in Poultry at Polewali Mandar Regency, 2008-2013

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 28 January 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Aminah Hajah Thaha | Juliawati Rauf | Isnaniah Bagenda

Detection of Ampicillin Resistance Encoding Gene of Escherichia coli from Chickens in Bandung and Purwakarta

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 9 July 2019 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Kuntum Khoirani | Agustin Indrawati | Surachmi Setiyaningsih

Antibiotic Resistance of E. Coli Isolates from Broiler Chick's Cecum in Makassar City

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 13 October 2019 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Erdi Purwanto | Dini Marmansari | Dwi Kesuma Sari | Muhammad Hatta


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 28 June 2023 in Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Authors: Suci Utami Wikaningtyas | Ika Wahyu Setyawati | Rufaida Setyawati

Karakter Morfologi Rambut Kelompok Cervidae Indonesia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 2020 in Jurnal Sain Veteriner

Authors: Ni Luh Putu Rischa Phadmacanty

Detection of Proteus mirabilis as foodborne disease bacteria in carcass of broiler chickens (Gallus domesticus)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 29 January 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Abdul Wahid Jamaluddin | Lucia Muslimin | Muhammad Natsir Djide

Jurnal Riset Kefarmasian Indonesia

JOURNAL published

Histopathologic features of male domestic cat (Felis domestica) testes induced by bisphenol-A orally

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 25 January 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Fachira Ulfa Makmur | Fika Yuliza Purba | Dwi Kesuma Sari

Potency of Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica) as Vector of Salmonellosis on Ships in Baubau Port

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 29 September 2018 in Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

Authors: Adi Supryatno | Sri Murtini | Upik Kesumawati Hadi