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Validation of an approximate approach to compute genetic correlations between longevity and linear traits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2006 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Joaquim Tarrés | Jesús Piedrafita | Vincent Ducrocq

Phenotypic plasticity of body pigmentation in Drosophila: correlated variations between segments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Patricia Gibert | Brigitte Moreteau | Samuel M. Scheiner | Jean R. David

Parallel selection of ethanol and acetic-acid tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster populations from India

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: R. Parkash

Étude méthodologique de la conservation de ressources génétiques de ray-grass anglais (graminée fourragère) par multiplication en pools de populations naturelles

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: F. Balfourier | G. Charmet

Fondement et organisation des réseaux européens de conservation des ressources génétiques forestières

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: M. Arbez

Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: C. Robert | JL Foulley | V. Ducrocq

A reparameterization to improve numerical optimization in multivariate REML (co)variance component estimation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: E. Groeneveld

Rabbit and man: genetic and historic approach

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: M. Monnerot | JD Vigne | C. Biju-Duval | D. Casane | C. Callou | C. Hardy | F. Mougel | R. Soriguer | N. Dennebouy | JC Mounolou

Population analysis of a purebred Hereford and a multibreed synthetic beef cattle herd

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: PF Arthur | M. Makarechian | R. Weingardt | RT Berg

Latitudinal clines of allelic frequencies in Mediterranean populations of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: A. Kourti | P. Hatzopoulos

Evaluation de la diversité génétique chez les bananiers diploïdes (Musa sp)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: F. Carreel | S. Fauré | D. González de León | PJL Lagoda | X. Perrier | F. Bakry | H. Tezenas du Montcel | C. Lanaud | JP Horry

Emploi de microsatellites pour l'analyse de la diversité génétique des races bovines françaises : premiers résultats

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: K. Moazami-Goudarzi | D. Vaiman | D. Mercier | C. Grohs | JP Furet | H. Levéziel | P. Martin

Estimating variances and covariances for bivariate animal models using scaling and transformation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: R. Thompson | RE Crump | J. Juga | PM Visscher

Dominant and recessive brown in goats

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: DP Sponenberg | C. LaMarsh

Body size and developmental temperature in Drosophila simulans: comparison of reaction norms with sympatric Drosophila melanogaster

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: JP Morin | B. Moreteau | G. Pétavy | AG Imasheva | JR David

Mapping the porcine RN gene to chromosome 15

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: C. Looft | N. Reinsch | I. Rudat | E. Kalm

A Monte-Carlo algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of variance components

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: S. Xu | WR Atchley

Relationships among estimates of inbreeding depression, dominance and additive variance for linear traits in Holsteins

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: I. Misztal | TJ Lawlor | N. Gengler

Resistance to heat and cold stress in Drosophila melanogaster: intra and inter population variation in relation to climate

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: D. Guerra | S. Cavicchi | RA Krebs | V. Loeschcke

Spatial autocorrelation of ovine protein polymorphisms in Europe

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: JG Ordás | JA Carriedo