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Assignment of the murine def-3 gene (<i>Rbm6</i>) to chromosome 9F1–F2 and its pseudogenes <i>Rbm6-ps1</i> and <i>Rbm6-ps2</i> to chromosome 1 by in situ hybridisation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: Y.M. Heng | M. Fox | F. Sablitzky

Mammalian embryonic development – insights from studies on the X chromosome

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: M. Monk

Conservation of pericentromeric duplications of a 200-kb part of the human 21q22.1 region in primates

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: R. Orti | M.C. Potier | C. Maunoury | M. Prieur | N. Créau | J.M. Delabar

Assignment<footref rid="foot01"><sup>1</sup></footref> of GUCY1B2, the human homologue of a candidate gene for hypertension, to chromosome bands 13q14.2→q14.3 by in situ hybridization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: A. Malterer | G. Gupta | R.S. Danziger

Assignment<footref rid="foot01"><sup>1</sup></footref> of the kinesin family member 4 genes (KIF4A and KIF4B) to human chromosome bands Xq13.1 and 5q33.1 by in situ hybridization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: M.J. Ha | J. Yoon | E. Moon | Y.M. Lee | H.J. Kim | W. Kim

Chromosomal localization of the genes encoding ALDH, BMP-2, R-FABP, IFN-γ, RXR-γ, and VIM in chicken by fluorescence in situ hybridization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: M. Guttenbach | I. Nanda | P.M. Brickell | R. Godbout | P. Staeheli | Z.E. Zehner | M. Schmid

Localization of the rat genes encoding the RNA binding protein TIAR <i>(Tial1)</i> and the integrin β1 subunit <i>(Itgb1):</i>  evidence for multiple homology relationships between the rat chromosome 19q12 region and the human genome

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: C. Szpirer | J. Szpirer | M. Rivière | P. van Vooren | G. Huez | V. Kruys | C. Gueydan

Forgotten fragile sites and related phenomena

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: G.R. Sutherland | E. Baker

Contents Vol. 100, 2003

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

The proportion of cells with functional X disomy is associated with the severity of mental retardation in mosaic ring X Turner syndrome females

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: T. Kubota | K. Wakui | T. Nakamura | H. Ohashi | Y. Watanabe | M. Yoshino | T. Kida | N. Okamoto | M. Matsumura | K. Muroya | T. Ogata | Y. Goto | Y. Fukushima

Ectopic XIST transcripts in human somatic cells show variable expression and localization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: J.C. Chow | L.L. Hall | J.B. Lawrence | C.J. Brown

Author Index Vol. 100, 2003

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

<i>HeT-A</i> and <i>TART</i>, two <i>Drosophila</i> retrotransposons with a bona fide role in chromosome structure for more than 60 million years

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: E. Casacuberta | M.-L. Pardue

Assignment of the equine <i>S100A7</i> gene (psoriasin 1) to chromosome 5p12→p13 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and radiation hybrid mapping

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: T. Leeb | O. Bruhn | U. Philipp | H. Kuiper | P. Regenhard | S. Paul | O. Distl | B.P. Chowdhary | E. Kalm | C. Looft

Contents Vol. 109, 2005

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Characterization, genetic variation and chromosomal assignment to sheep chromosome 2 of the ovine heart fatty acid-binding protein gene (FABP3)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: J.H. Calvo | D. Vaiman | N. Saïdi-Mehtar | A. Beattie | J.J. Jurado | M. Serrano

Construction of Chinese hamster chromosome specific DNA libraries and their use in the analysis of spontaneous chromosome rearrangements in different cell lines

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: A.S. Balajee | I. Domínguez | A.T. Natarajan

Chimpanzee chromosomes: retrotransposable compound repeat DNA organization (RCRO) and its influence on meiotic prophase and crossing-over

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: H. Hirai | K. Matsubayashi | K. Kumazaki | A. Kato | N. Maeda | H.-S. Kim

Comparative sequence analysis and radiation hybrid mapping of two epidermal type II keratin genes in the dog: keratin 1 and keratin 2e

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: K.M. Credille | R. Guyon | C. André | K. Murphy | K. Tucker | K.F. Barnhart | R.W. Dunstan

Development and characterization of potato-<i>Solanum brevidens</i> chromosomal addition/substitution lines

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Authors: F. Dong | A.L. Tek | A.B.L. Frasca | J.M. McGrath | S.M. Wielgus | J.P. Helgeson | J. Jiang