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Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: C. Robert | JL Foulley | V. Ducrocq

A note on QTL detecting for censored traits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2006 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Yixin Fang

Testing the neutral theory of molecular evolution using genomic data: a comparison of the human and bovine transcriptome

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2006 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Sean MacEachern | John McEwan | Andrew Mather | Alan McCulloch | Paul Sunnucks | Mike Goddard

A simulation study of the effect of connectedness on genetic trend

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: E. Hanocq | D. Boichard | JL Foulley

Response to mass selection when an identified major gene is segregating

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Ricardo Pong-Wong | John A. Woolliams

Comparative influence of Odh and Adh loci on alcohol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Katalin Bokor | Katalin Pecsenye

Système génétique, polymorphisme neutre et sélectionné : implications en biologie de la conservation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Bernard Godelle | Frédéric Austerlitz | Stéphanie Brachet | Bruno Colas | Joël Cuguen | Sylvain Gandon | Pierre-Henri Gouyon | Madeleine Lefranc | Isabelle Olivieri | Xavier Reboud | Renaud Vitalis

Strategies for the conservation of a pioneer tree species, Populus nigra L., in Europe

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: François Lefèvre | Agnès Légionnet | Sven de Vries | Jozef Turok

Connectedness in the French Holstein cattle population

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Eric Hanocq | Didier Boichard

Mapping QTL in outbred populations using selected samples

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Mario L. Martinez | Natascha Vukasinovic | A. E. Freeman | Rohan L. Fernando

On the use of animal models in the analysis of selection experiments 1

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Louis Ollivier

Microsatellite markers and management of brown trout Salmo trutta fario populations in southwestern France

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Didier Aurelle | Patrick Berrebi

Likelihood and Bayesian analyses reveal major genes affecting body composition, carcass, meat quality and the number of false teats in a Chinese European pig line

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Marie-Pierre Sanchez | Jean-Pierre Bidanel | Siqing Zhang | Jean Naveau | Thierry Burlot | Pascale Le Roy

Genetic structure of Balearic honeybee populations based on microsatellite polymorphism

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Pilar De la R�a | Jos� Gali�n | Jos� Serrano | Robin F.A. Moritz

A method to optimize selection on�multiple identified quantitative trait loci

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2002 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Reena Chakraborty | Laurence Moreau | Jack C.M. Dekkers

Pedigree and marker information requirements to monitor genetic variability

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Roswitha Baumung | Johann Sölkner

Linkage disequilibrium fine mapping of quantitative trait loci: A simulation study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Jihad M. Abdallah | Bruno Goffinet | Christine Cierco-Ayrolles | Miguel P�rez-Enciso

Chromosomal rearrangements in�cattle and�pigs revealed by�chromosome microdissection and�chromosome painting

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Alain Pinton | Alain Ducos | Martine Yerle

The effect of using approximate gametic variance covariance matrices on marker assisted selection by BLUP

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2004 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Liviu R. Totir | Rohan L. Fernando | Jack C.M. Dekkers | Soledad A. Fernández | Bernt Guldbrandtsen

Estimation of the proportion of genetically unbalanced spermatozoa in the semen of boars carrying chromosomal rearrangements using FISH on sperm nuclei

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2004 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Alain Pinton | Alain Ducos | Martine Yerle