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Adverse life outcomes associated with adolescent psychotic experiences and depressive symptoms

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2018 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research funded by Medical Research Council (102215/2/13/2)

Authors: Jonathan Davies | Sarah Sullivan | Stanley Zammit

Does depression experienced by mothers leads to a decline in marital quality: a 21-year longitudinal study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2014 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Jake M. Najman | Mohsina Khatun | Abdullah Mamun | Alexandra Clavarino | Gail M. Williams | James Scott | Michael O’Callaghan | Reza Hayatbakhsh | Rosa Alati

Psychosocial work environment and depressive symptoms among US workers: comparing working poor and working non-poor

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2009 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Leigh Ann Simmons | Jennifer E. Swanberg

Social interventions in mental health: a call to action

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2017 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Sonia Johnson

The relationship between genetic liability, childhood maltreatment, and IQ: findings from the EU-GEI multicentric case–control study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2023 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Lucia Sideli | Monica Aas | Diego Quattrone | Daniele La Barbera | Caterina La Cascia | Laura Ferraro | Luis Alameda | Eva Velthorst | Giulia Trotta | Giada Tripoli | Adriano Schimmenti | Andrea Fontana | Charlotte Gayer-Anderson | Simona Stilo | Fabio Seminerio | Crocettarachele Sartorio | Giovanna Marrazzo | Antonio Lasalvia | Sarah Tosato | Ilaria Tarricone | Domenico Berardi | Giuseppe D’Andrea | Silvia Amoretti | Álvaro Andreu-Bernabeu | Grégoire Baudin | Stephanie Beards | Chiara Bonetto | Elena Bonora | Bibiana Cabrera | Angel Carracedo | Thomas Charpeaud | Javier Costas | Doriana Cristofalo | Pedro Cuadrado | Manuel Durán-Cutilla | Aziz Ferchiou | David Fraguas | Nathalie Franke | Flora Frijda | Paz Garcia-Portilla | Javier González Peñas | Kathryn Hubbard | Stéphane Jamain | Estela Jiménez-López | Marion Leboyer | Cloe Llorente | Gonzalo López Montoya | Esther Lorente-Rovira | Covadonga M. Díaz-Caneja | Camila Marcelino Loureiro | Mario Matteis | Elles Messchaart | Ma Dolores Moltó | Gisela Mezquida | Carmen Moreno | Roberto Muratori | Juan Nacher | Mara Parellada | Marta Rapado-Castro | Mirella Ruggeri | Jean-Romain Richard | José Juan Rodríguez Solano | Pilar A. Sáiz | Teresa Sánchez-Gutierrez | Emilio Sánchez | Franck Schürhoff | Marco Seri | Rosana Shuhama | Fabian Termorshuizen | Anne-Marie Tronche | Daniella van Dam | Elsje van der Ven | Celso Arango | Manuel Arrojo | Miguel Bernardo | Julio Bobes | Julio Sanjuán | Jose Luis Santos | Paulo Rossi Menezes | Cristina Marta Del-Ben | Hannah E. Jongsma | Peter B. Jones | James B. Kirkbride | Pierre-Michel Llorca | Andrea Tortelli | Baptiste Pignon | Lieuwe de Haan | Jean-Paul Selten | Jim Van Os | Bart P. Rutten | Richard Bentall | Marta Di Forti | Robin M. Murray | Craig Morgan | Helen L. Fisher | EU-GEI WP2 Group

Trends in the recording of anxiety in UK primary care: a multi-method approach

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2022 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research funded by NIHR School for Primary Care Research (CA2017)

Authors: Charlotte Archer | Katrina Turner | David Kessler | Becky Mars | Nicola Wiles

Ethnic inequalities in the use of health services for common mental disorders in England

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2013 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Claudia Cooper | Nicola Spiers | Gill Livingston | Rachel Jenkins | Howard Meltzer | Terry Brugha | Sally McManus | Scott Weich | Paul Bebbington

Homelessness as a predictor of mortality: an 11-year register-based cohort study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2018 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Sandra Feodor Nilsson | Thomas Munk Laursen | Carsten Hjorthøj | Merete Nordentoft

Eugenics, genetics, and mental illness stigma in Chinese Americans

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2012 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Ahtoy J. WonPat-Borja | Lawrence H. Yang | Bruce G. Link | Jo C. Phelan

Predictors of outcomes for users of mental health rehabilitation services: a 5-year retrospective cohort study in inner London, UK

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2013 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Helen Killaspy | Panagiotis Zis

A systematic review of influences on implementation of peer support work for adults with mental health problems

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2020 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research funded by Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (779263)

Authors: Nashwa Ibrahim | Dean Thompson | Rebecca Nixdorf | Jasmine Kalha | Richard Mpango | Galia Moran | Annabel Mueller-Stierlin | Grace Ryan | Candelaria Mahlke | Donat Shamba | Bernd Puschner | Julie Repper | Mike Slade

Obsessive–compulsive disorder: prevalence, correlates, help-seeking and quality of life in a multiracial Asian population

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2012 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Mythily Subramaniam | Edimansyah Abdin | Janhavi Ajit Vaingankar | Siow Ann Chong

The ICD-10 Symptom Checklist: a companion to the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1993 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: A. Janca | T. B. Üstün | T. S. Early | N. Sartorius

The shattered “Iron Rice Bowl”: effects of Chinese state-owned enterprise reform on depressive symptoms in later life

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2023 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research funded by National Social Science Fund of China. (21CRK014) | Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China (21&ZD187,21ZD107)

Authors: Yanan Luo | Yiran Wang | Chenlu Hong | Ping He | Xiaoying Zheng

The relationship between physical activity and self-image and problem behaviour among adolescents

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 2002 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: B. D. Kirkcaldy | R. J. Shephard | R. G. Siefen

An age-period-cohort analysis for prevalence of common psychiatric disorders in Japan, 1999–2017

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2021 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Tasuku Okui

Personality disorders and physical comorbidities in adults from the United States: data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2015 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: Shae E. Quirk | Renée El-Gabalawy | Sharon L. Brennan | James M. Bolton | Jitender Sareen | Michael Berk | Andrew M. Chanen | Julie A. Pasco | Lana J. Williams

Psychometric properties of the Parental Bonding Instrument and its association with psychological distress in a group of incarcerated young offenders in Scotland

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 August 2000 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: J. A. Chambers | K. G. Power | N. Loucks | V. Swanson

The growing belief that people with mental illnesses are violent: the role of the dangerousness criterion for civil commitment

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 16 November 1998 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Authors: J. C. Phelan | B. G. Link

Sexual orientation disparities in the co-occurrence of substance use and psychological distress: a national population-based study (2008–2015)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2018 in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research funded by Vetenskapsrådet (2016-01707) | Forskningsrådet om Hälsa, Arbetsliv och Välfärd (2014-0173)

Authors: Richard Bränström | John E. Pachankis