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Virus-like particle analysis in a seston-rich coastal pond using transmission electron microscopy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: H Montanié | HJ Hartmann | C Crottereau | C Trichet

Effects of a cyclopoid copepod (Diacyclops thomasi) on phytoplankton and the microbial food web

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: DR Dobberfuhl | R Miller | JJ Elser

Metal reduction at cold temperatures by Shewanella isolates from various marine environments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: RD Stapleton | ZL Sabree | AV Palumbo | CL Moyer | AH Devol | Y Roh | J Zhou

Urea decomposition activities in an ammonium enriched freshwater pond

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: MG Park | JH Shim | BC Cho

Sediment bacteria and archaea community analysis and nutrient fluxes in a sub-tropical polymictic reservoir

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 March 2012 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: TJ Green | AC Barnes | M Bartkow | D Gale | A Grinham

Influence of bacteria on phytoplankton cell mortality with phosphorus or nitrogen as the algal-growth-limiting nutrient

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: CPD Brussaard | R Riegman

Diversity of picoeukaryotes in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean revealed by metabarcoding

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 May 2021 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: C Yuan | Y Li | X Zhang | M Ge | M Xin | L Liu | Z Wang

Cell lysis of competitors and osmotrophy enhance growth of the bloom-forming alga Gonyostomum semen

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 24 April 2008 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: K Rengefors | C Pålsson | LA Hansson | L Heiberg

Microzooplankton herbivory and phytoplankton growth in the northwestern Sargasso Sea

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: EJ Lessard | MC Murrell

Phytoplankton growth rates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 24 February 2015 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: AF Mosby | WO Smith

Krill larvae, copepods and the microbial food web: interactions during the Antarctic fall

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 19 January 2007 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: SA Wickham | UG Berninger

Interactions between marine snow and heterotrophic bacteria: aggregate formation and microbial dynamics

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2006 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: HP Grossart | T Kiørboe | KW Tang | M Allgaier | EM Yam | H Ploug

Temporal changes of major bacterial groups and bacterial heterotrophic activity during a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the eastern English Channel

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2009 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: D Lamy | I Obernosterer | M Laghdass | F Artigas | E Breton | JD Grattepanche | E Lecuyer | N Degros | P Lebaron | U Christaki

Biochemical fingerprints of marine fungi: implications for trophic and biogeochemical studies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 26 March 2020 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: MH Gutiérrez | J Vera | B Srain | RA Quiñones | L Wörmer | KU Hinrichs | S Pantoja-Gutiérrez

Effects of temperature on the incorporation of leucine and thymidine by bacterioplankton and bacterial isolates

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: BJ Tibbles

Recent aspects of nutrition in the dinoflagellate Dinophysis cf. acuminata

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: BR Berland | SY Maestrini | D Grzebyk | P Thomas

Habitat partitioning of denitrifying bacterial communities carrying nirS or nirK genes in the stratified water column of Lake Kinneret, Israel

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 19 May 2008 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: P Junier | OS Kim | KP Witzel | JF Imhoff | O Hadas

Proteomics analysis of the response of the marine bacterium Marinobacter adhaerens HP15 to the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 21 December 2016 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: A Stahl | MS Ullrich

Planktonic carbon budget in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 9 August 2007 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: E Marañón | V Pérez | E Fernández | R Anadón | A Bode | N González | I Huskin | A Isla | XAG Morán | B Mouriño | M Quevedo | C Robinson | P Serret | E Teira | MM Varela | EMS Woodward | MV Zubkov

Bacterial community dominance of particle-attached bacteria in lakes of the Mackenzie River Delta: transparent exopolymer particle contribution

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 18 December 2012 in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Authors: CA Chateauvert | LFW Lesack | ML Bothwell