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Model Regresi Nonparametrik dengan Pendekatan Spline (Studi Kasus: Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Makassar)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics, Computations, and Statistics

Authors: Wahidah Sanusi | Rahmat Syam | Rabiatul Adawiyah

Spectrum Matriks Detour dari Graf Roda dengan n +1 Titik W_n

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Muhammad Abdy | Rahmat Syam | Agnes Monica Putri

Aplikasi Pewarnaan Graf dengan Algoritma Recursive Largest First pada Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics, Computations, and Statistics

Authors: Rahmat Syam | Hisyam Ihsan | A. Asman

Penerapan Fuzzy Logic untuk Menentukan Minuman Susu Kemasan Terbaik dalam Pengoptimalan Gizi

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Auliah Khoirun Nisa | Muhammad Abdy | Ahmad Zaki

Analisis Intervensi Kebijakan Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik (TDL) Tahun 2017 Terhadap Pemakaian Listrik Wilayah SULSELRABAR

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics, Computations, and Statistics

Authors: Ahmad Zaki | Rahmat Syam | Ahmad Firjatullah Hakim

Simulasi Numerik Model Matematika Arus Lalu Lintas Berbasis Fungsi Velositas Underwood

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2021 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Muh. Isbar Pratama | Dian Firmayasari | Nur Ahniyanti Rasyid | H. Harianto

Suatu Kajian Tentang B-Aljabar

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 February 2021 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Wahidah Sanusi | Muhammad Abdy | Sahlan Sidjara | Asriani Arsita Asni

JOURNAL ISSUE published 1 May 2021 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Solusi Persamaan Difusi Adveksi Dengan Metode Pemisahan Variabel

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 October 2022 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Hisyam Ihsan | Ilmi Nurfaizah Rustam

Pemodelan Laju Kematian Pasien Covid-19 di RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda menggunakan Model Regresi Weibull

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 April 2023 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Nur - Azizah | Suyitno Suyitno | Memi Nor Hayati

Identifikasi Sebaran Karakteristik Kriminal di Indonesia Tahun 2021 Menggunakan Model-Based Clustering

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 25 October 2022 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Debora Chrisinta | Leonard Peter Gelu | Budiman Baso

Penerapan K-Means Clustering dalam Pengelompokan Data (Studi Kasus Profil Mahasiswa Matematika FMIPA UNM)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 October 2022 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Ahmad Zaki | Irwan Irwan | Imanuel Agung Sembe

Pemodelan Spasial Bayesian dalam Menentukan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Stunting di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 May 2022 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Aswi Aswi | Sukarna Sukarna

Solusi Persamaan Adveksi-Difusi dengan Metode Dekomposisi Adomian Laplace

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2022 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Muhammad Abdy | Maya Sari Wahyuni | Narisa Fahira Awaliyah

Pemodelan Matematika SEIRS Pada Penyebaran Penyakit Malaria di Kabupaten Mimika

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2021 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Hisyam Ihsan | Syafruddin Side | Musdalifa Pagga

Solusi Numerik Model Verhulst pada Estimasi Pertumbuhan Hasil Panen Padi dengan Metode Adam Bashforth-Moulton (ABM)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics, Computations, and Statistics

Authors: Syafruddin Side | Maya Sari Wahyuni | Arifuddin R

Model Regresi Semiparametrik Spline untuk D ata Longitudinal pada Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Makassar

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 February 2021 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Syafruddin Side | Wahidah Sanusi | Mustati'atul Waidah Maksum

Sifat-sifat Submodul Prima dan Submodul Prima Lemah

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Authors: Hisyam Ihsan | Muhammad Abdy | Samsu Alam B

JOURNAL ISSUE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics Computations and Statistics

Solusi Persamaan Laplace pada Koordinat Bola

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 May 2020 in Journal of Mathematics, Computations, and Statistics

Authors: Ahmad Zaki | Syafruddin Side | N. Nurhaeda