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A performance evaluation of MM5/MNEQA/CMAQ air quality modelling system to forecast ozone concentrations in Catalonia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2010 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Fractal and multifractal analyses of the temporal structure of daily rainfall in a Mediterranean climate in northern Algeria

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

A discussion about the role of shortwave schemes on real WRF-ARW simulations. Two case studies: cloudless and cloudy sky

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Improvement of the AEMET operational methodology for the estimation of areas with wind gusts

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2013 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Mountain accidents associated with winter northern flows in the Mediterranean Pyrenees

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2010 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

JOURNAL ISSUE published 2009 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Climate change projections for Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). Part I: Regional climate modeling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2011 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Measurement and modelling of global erythemal irradiance on inclined planes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2010 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Study of the heat wave of the summer 2003 at the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2011 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Conditioned climatology for stably stratified nights in the Lleida area

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2008 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Radar data assimilation impact over nowcasting a mesoscale convective system in Catalonia using the WRF model

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterrania

Comparison of algorithms to retrieve Land Surface Temperature from LANDSAT-7 ETM+ IR data in the Basilicata Ionian band

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2012 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Application of source-receptor models to determine source areas of biological components (pollen and butterflies)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2010 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Water vapour accumulation mechanisms in the Western Mediterranean Basin and the development of European extreme rainfalls

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2011 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

The estimation of latent heat flux: A reflection for the future

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2007 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Changes in the precipitation regime over the Italian Peninsula and their possible impacts on the electric system

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterrania

Authors: Ricardo Bonanno | Paola Faggian

Proposal of three thermodynamic variables to discriminate between storms associated with hail and storms with intense rainfall in Catalonia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2013 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Local nocturnal circulations in the island of Majorca: mesoscale modelling and verification

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2006 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Wave Height Incidence on Mediterranean Short Sea Shipping Routes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2006 in Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

Tethys, Journal of Weather and Climate of the Western Mediterranean

JOURNAL published