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Spatial patterns of Mexican beech seedlings (Fagus grandifolia subsp. mexicana (Martínez) A.E. Murray): influence of canopy openness and conspecific trees on recruitment mechanisms

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2018 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Ernesto Chanes Rodríguez-Ramírez | Ana Paola Martínez-Falcón | Isolda Luna-Vega

Evaluation of intra-ring wood density profiles using NIRS: comparison with the X-ray method

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2017 in Annals of Forest Science

Research funded by Fondecyt (1150815)

Authors: Ricardo Baettig | Jorge Cornejo | Jorge Guajardo

Soil compaction due to heavy forest traffic: measurements and simulations using an analytical soil compaction model

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2013 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: N. Goutal | T. Keller | P. Défossez | J. Ranger

La cryoconservation des semences dormantes orthodoxes des arbres forestiers : le merisier (Prunus avium L.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2009 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Paweł Chmielarz

Modelling the biomechanical behaviour of growing trees at the forest stand scale. Part I: Development of an Incremental Transfer Matrix Method and application to simplified tree structures

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2004 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Philippe Ancelin | Thierry Fourcaud | Patrick Lac

Short-day photoperiods affect expression of genes related to dormancy and freezing tolerance in Norway spruce seedlings

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2017 in Annals of Forest Science

Research funded by Stiftelsen för Kunskaps- och Kompetensutveckling (20120181)

Authors: Elisabeth Wallin | Daniel Gräns | Douglass F. Jacobs | Anders Lindström | Nathalie Verhoef

Nitrogen leaching from a forest soil exposed to fire retardant with and without fire: A laboratory study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2008 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Athina A. Pappa | Nikolaos E. Tzamtzis | Sofia E. Koufopoulou

Low within-population genetic diversity and high genetic differentiation among populations of the endangered plant Tetracentron sinense Oliver revealed by inter-simple sequence repeat analysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2018 in Annals of Forest Science

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31370367) | the Applied Basic Research Project of Sichuan Province, China (2017JY0164) | the Meritocracy Research Funds of China West Normal University (No. 17YC325)

Authors: Shan Li | Xiaohong Gan | Hongyan Han | Xuemei Zhang | Zhongqiong Tian

Editorial: “Fifty years Annals of Forest Science”

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2016 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Jean Michel Leban | Marianne Peiffer | Jean-Daniel Bontemps | Erwin Dreyer

Conservation, ecology, restoration, and management of Mediterranean pines and their ecosystems: challenges under global change

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2012 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Eric Rigolot

Causes for the small scale variability of nitrate concentration in seepage water of an N saturated mature spruce stand

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2012 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Michael Kohlpaintner | Christian Huber | Boris Matejek | Axel Göttlein

Zygotic embryogenesis and empty seed formation in European larch (Larix decidua Mill.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2005 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Branko Slobodník | Helmut Guttenberger

Effet de l?intensit� d?un stimulus gravitationnel induit artificiellement sur la croissance et la formation du bois de tension dans de jeunes pousses de peuplier (Populus euramericana cv ?Ghoy?)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2003 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Benoit Jourez | C�line Vaianopoulos | Jacques H�bert

Forest and shrubland canopy carbon uptake in relation to foliage nitrogen concentration and leaf area index: a modelling analysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2005 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: David Whitehead | Adrian S. Walcroft

Modelling the profile and internal structure of tree stem. Application to Cedrus atlantica (Manetti)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2002 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Fran�ois Courbet | Fran�ois Houllier

Beech coppice conversion to high forest: results from a 31-year experiment in Eastern Pre-Alps

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2017 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Barbara Mariotti | Giorgio Alberti | Alberto Maltoni | Andrea Tani | Pietro Piussi

Methods for separating orchards from forest using airborne LiDAR

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in Annals of Forest Science

Research funded by Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (241501/901501) | Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (BIOSTRATEG1/267755/4/NCBR/2015)

Authors: Tomasz Hycza | Przemysław Kupidura

Spatial optimization of genetic thinning in seed orchards

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2022 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Kateřina Chaloupková | Milan Lstibůrek

The influence of seed age on germinative response to the effects of fire in Pinus pinaster, Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2001 in Annals of Forest Science

Authors: Otilia Reyes | Mercedes Casal

A spatial dataset of forest mensuration collected in black pine plantations in central Italy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2017 in Annals of Forest Science

Research funded by European Commission (BE) - LIFE financial instrument (LIFE13 BIO/IT/000282)

Authors: Paolo Cantiani | Maurizio Marchi