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Two approaches to account for genotype-by-environment interactions for production traits and age at first calving in South African Holstein cattle

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2022 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Vincent Ducrocq | Astrid Cadet | Clotilde Patry | Lene van der Westhuizen | Jacob B. van Wyk | Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius Neser

Deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method for solving single-step BLUP models efficiently

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Jérémie Vandenplas | Herwin Eding | Mario P. L. Calus | Cornelis Vuik

Comparing the retention mechanisms of tandem duplicates and retrogenes in human and mouse genomes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Zhen Wang | Xiao Dong | Guohui Ding | Yixue Li

Changes in the expression of genetic characteristics across cohorts in skeletal deformations of farmed salmonids

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2007 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Antti Kause | Ossi Ritola | Tuija Paananen

Searching for phenotypic causal networks involving complex traits: an application to European quail

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2011 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Bruno D Valente | Guilherme JM Rosa | Martinho A Silva | Rafael B Teixeira | Robledo A Torres

Detection of QTL for traits related to adaptation to sub-optimal climatic conditions in chickens

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Research funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (NSC 99-2321-B-005-009-MY3)

Authors: Ching-Yi Lien | Michèle Tixier-Boichard | Shih-Wen Wu | Woei-Fuh Wang | Chen Siang Ng | Chih-Feng Chen

Power of QTL detection by either fixed or random models in half-sib designs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2005 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Davood Kolbehdari | Gerald B. Jansen | Lawrence R. Schaeffer | Brian O. Allen

The design of beef breed comparisons

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1971 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: EP Cunningham

The influence of nutrition (energy and digestible crude protein) on some blood parameters, health and fertility in late pregnant milking cows

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: KH Lotthammer | FE Farries

Performances de reproduction des brebis berrichonnes du cher, romanov et croisées. II. – Composantes de la prolificité

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: G Ricordeau | J Razungles | F Eychenne | L Tchamitchian | D Lajous | R Mollaret

Systems analysis approach in breeding programs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1980 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: D Fewson

Der zusammenhang zwischen serumeiweißfraktion (68 p. 100) und eizahl bei huhnern

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1980 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: A Brodacki | WU Gluchowski | M Niespodziewanski

Quantitative trait loci linked toPRNPgene controlling health and production traits in INRA 401 sheep

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2007 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Zulma G. Vitezica | Carole R. Moreno | Frederic Lantier | Isabelle Lantier | Laurent Schibler | Anne Roig | Dominique François | Jacques Bouix | Daniel Allain | Jean-Claude Brunel | Francis Barillet | Jean-Michel Elsen

Interactions géniteur × population des partenaires. III. Synthèse bibliographique

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1985 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: JM Brun

Testing black-white cattle for milk production and growth rate

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1978 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: M Milojic

Remapping of the belted phenotype in cattle on BTA3 identifies a multiplication event as the candidate causal mutation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Sophie Rothammer | Elisabeth Kunz | Stefan Krebs | Fanny Bitzer | Andreas Hauser | Natalia Zinovieva | Nikolai Klymiuk | Ivica Medugorac

Statistical distributions of test statistics used for quantitative trait association mapping in structured populations

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2012 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Simon Teyssèdre | Jean-Michel Elsen | Anne Ricard

Using the realized relationship matrix to disentangle confounding factors for the estimation of genetic variance components of complex traits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Sang Hong Lee | Michael E Goddard | Peter M Visscher | Julius HJ van der Werf

A mutation in the LAMC2 gene causes the Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) in two French draft horse breeds

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2003 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Dragan Milenkovic | Stéphane Chaffaux | Sead Taourit | Gérard Guérin

Quantitative genetics of taura syndrome resistance in pacific white shrimp (penaeus vannamei): a cure model approach

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2011 in Genetics Selection Evolution

Authors: Jørgen Ødegård | Thomas Gitterle | Per Madsen | Theo HE Meuwissen | M Hossein Yazdi | Bjarne Gjerde | Carlos Pulgarin | Morten Rye