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Mapping quantitative trait Loci for ordinal traits using the generalized linear model in half-sib designs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2006 in Animal Research

Authors: Zong-Jun Yin | Qin Zhang

In vivo studies on goose liver development by means of computer tomography

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2005 in Animal Research

Authors: László Locsmándi | Róbert Romvári | Ferenc Bogenfürst | András Szabó | Marcell Molnár | Gabriella Andrássy-Baka | Péter Horn

Influence of drastic underfeeding on ruminal digestion in sheep

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2001 in Animal Research

Authors: Brigitte Michalet-Doreau | Michel Doreau

Effects of level of intake and nitrogen supplementation on digestion by cows in a tropical environment

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2003 in Animal Research

Authors: Patrice Grimaud | Michel Doreau

Rumen pH, NH3-N concentration and forage degradation kinetics of cows grazing temperate pastures and supplemented with different sources of grain

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2006 in Animal Research

Authors: Cecilia Cajarville | Martín Aguerre | José Luis Repetto

Analysis of temperament development during the fattening period in the semi-feral bovine calves of theAlberesMassif

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2006 in Animal Research

Authors: Marta Fina | Joaquim Casellas | Xavier Manteca | Jesús Piedrafita

Elisa testing of brain and spleen homogenates for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy / scrapie of sheep

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2005 in Animal Research

Authors: Hendrik De Bosschere | Stefan Roels | Emmanuel Vanopdenbosch

Does early thermal conditioning sometimes fail to improve the resistance of broilers to heat stress?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2002 in Animal Research

Authors: Vasco De Basilio | Fanny Requena | Alicia Leon | Zoraida Velazco | Michel Picard

Effects of hay quality on intake, growth path, body composition and muscle characteristics of Salers heifers

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2005 in Animal Research

Authors: Thierry Hoch | Catherine Jurie | Philippe Pradel | Isabelle Cassar-Malek | Roland Jailler | Brigitte Picard | Jacques Agabriel

Influence of low ambient temperatures on heat production and energy balance of single-housed growing pigs fed ad libitum: a comparison with group-housed pigs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2001 in Animal Research

Authors: Nathalie Quiniou | Jean Noblet | Jaap van Milgen | Serge Dubois

Effect of time of starch supply to the rumen on the dynamics of urea and ammonia net flux across the rumen wall of sheep

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2002 in Animal Research

Authors: Didier Rémond | Pierre Nozière | Claude Poncet

Chemosensory deficits are associated with reduced weight gain in newly hatched chicks

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2002 in Animal Research

Authors: Richard H. Porter | Michel Picard | C�cile Arnould | C�line Tallet

The uncertainty of results when estimating daily milk records

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2006 in Animal Research

Authors: Marjeta Čandek-Potokar | Maja Prevolnik | Drago Babnik | Tomaž Perpar

Feeding behaviour and intake of heifers fed on hays of various quality, offered alone or in a choice situation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2002 in Animal Research

Authors: C�cile Ginane | Ren� Baumont | Jacques Lassalas | Michel Petit

Bioavailability of two sources of zinc in weanling pigs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2002 in Animal Research

Authors: Jean-Yves Dourmad | Fran�ois Guinotte | Yves Nys

Utilization of milk urea concentration as a tool to evaluate dairy herd management

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2003 in Animal Research

Authors: Xavier Frand | Eric Froidmont | Nicole Bartiaux-Thill | Virginie Decruyenaere | Andr� Van Reusel | Jules Fabry

In situ rumen degradation of amino acids from different feeds corrected for microbial contamination

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2001 in Animal Research

Authors: Javier González | Carmen Centeno | Farida Lamrani | Carlos Alberto Rodríguez

Effect of leucaena and gliricidia leaf meals on the seminal characteristics, testis weights and seminiferous tubule diameters of rabbits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2005 in Animal Research

Authors: Udo Herbert | Michael O. Ozoje | David O. Adejumo

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) during gestation and lactation does not alter sow performance or body weight gain and adiposity in progeny

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2004 in Animal Research

Authors: Sylvia P. Poulos | Michael J. Azain | Gary J. Hausman

Dietary conjugated linoleic acids affect tissue lipid composition but not de novo lipogenesis in finishing pigs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2001 in Animal Research

Authors: Giuseppe Bee