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The effect of Pokémon Go on the pulse of the city: a natural experiment

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by CORFO (13CEE2-21592 (2013-21592-1-INNOVA_PRODUCCION2013-21592-1))

Authors: Eduardo Graells-Garrido | Leo Ferres | Diego Caro | Loreto Bravo

Applying Hidden Markov Models to Voting Advice Applications

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2016 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Marilena Agathokleous | Nicolas Tsapatsoulis

Link creation and information spreading over social and communication ties in an interest-based online social network

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2012 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Luca Maria Aiello | Alain Barrat | Ciro Cattuto | Rossano Schifanella | Giancarlo Ruffo

Efficient algorithm to compute Markov transitional probabilities for a desired PageRank

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by University of Szeged Open Access Fund (4100) | European Social Fund (EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-0002) | Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap (2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00008)

Authors: Gábor Berend

Does United Kingdom parliamentary attention follow social media posts?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 October 2022 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: John Bollenbacher | Niklas Loynes | John Bryden

Capturing the fast-food landscape in England using large-scale network analysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U54HD070725)

Authors: Magda Baniukiewicz | Zachariah L. Dick | Philippe J. Giabbanelli

Novel and topical business news and their impact on stock market activity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by JSPS KAKENHI Grant (24710156,25220502)

Authors: Takayuki Mizuno | Takaaki Ohnishi | Tsutomu Watanabe

Individual position diversity in dependence socioeconomic networks increases economic output

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11505063,11375064,11605062) | Shanghai Chenguang Program (15CG29) | Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (20120074120028)

Authors: Wen-Jie Xie | Yan-Hong Yang | Ming-Xia Li | Zhi-Qiang Jiang | Wei-Xing Zhou

The effect of anti-money laundering policies: an empirical network analysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2022 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Peter Gerbrands | Brigitte Unger | Michael Getzner | Joras Ferwerda

Correction to: Flow of online misinformation during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Guido Caldarelli | Rocco De Nicola | Marinella Petrocchi | Manuel Pratelli | Fabio Saracco

Estimating local commuting patterns from geolocated Twitter data

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by Innovate UK (GB) (393176) | Natural Environment Research Council (NE/N00728X/1)

Authors: Graham McNeill | Jonathan Bright | Scott A Hale

Home is where the ad is: online interest proxies housing demand

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (1657725)

Authors: Marco Pangallo | Michele Loberto

Commuting patterns: the flow and jump model and supporting data

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by Romanian Research Council UEFSCDI (PN-III-P4-PCE-2016-0363.)

Authors: Levente Varga | Géza Tóth | Zoltán Néda

The mobility laws of location-based games

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 February 2021 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Leonardo Tonetto | Eemil Lagerspetz | Aaron Yi Ding | Jörg Ott | Sasu Tarkoma | Petteri Nurmi

Complex delay dynamics on railway networks from universal laws to realistic modelling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by John Templeton Foundation (51663) | Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG (857136)

Authors: Bernardo Monechi | Pietro Gravino | Riccardo Di Clemente | Vito D. P. Servedio

Stock fluctuations are correlated and amplified across networks of interlocking directorates

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2014 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Serguei Saavedra | Luis J Gilarranz | Rudolf P Rohr | Michael Schnabel | Brian Uzzi | Jordi Bascompte

Extroverts tweet differently from introverts in Weibo

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by NSFC (71501005,61421003) | National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016QY01W0205) | SKLSDE (2017ZX-05)

Authors: Zhenkun Zhou | Ke Xu | Jichang Zhao

Are you getting sick? Predicting influenza-like symptoms using human mobility behaviors

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in EPJ Data Science

Authors: Gianni Barlacchi | Christos Perentis | Abhinav Mehrotra | Mirco Musolesi | Bruno Lepri

Self-regulatory information sharing in participatory social sensing

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2016 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by European Community’s H2020 Program (654024,688364)

Authors: Evangelos Pournaras | Jovan Nikolic | Pablo Velásquez | Marcello Trovati | Nik Bessis | Dirk Helbing

Temporal social network reconstruction using wireless proximity sensors: model selection and consequences

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in EPJ Data Science

Research funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-16-CE28-0013,ANR-15-CE38-0011,ANR-19-CE46-000) | H2020 Research Infrastructures (SoBigData++)

Authors: Sicheng Dai | Hélène Bouchet | Aurélie Nardy | Eric Fleury | Jean-Pierre Chevrot | Márton Karsai