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First record of a population of Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) in Argentina

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Mario L. Chatellenaz | Juan M. Fernandez | María L. Thomann

Taxonomic notes on Macugonalia semiguttata (Signoret, 1853) with first descriptions of the male and female terminalia (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Research funded by CAPES (88887.571619/2020-00) | CNPQ (140625/2019-4) | CNPQ (303229/2018-7) | faperj (E-26/200.082/2019)

Authors: Nathalia Hiluy Pecly | Victor Quintas | Gabriel Mejdalani

A new record of Dryadella mocoana (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from southeastern Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Marco M. Jiménez | Luis Ocupa Horna | Leisberth Velez-Abarca | Luis E. Baquero

Primer registro del liquen Pyrenula hirsuta para Sudamérica

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Marlon Vega | Jorge Déleg | Ángel Benítez

No need for artificial light: nocturnal activity by a diurnal reptile under lunar light

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2020 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Research funded by GEF Small Grants Programme (DMA/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2019/05) | National Geographic Society (EC-55300-18) | the Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (182518984)

Authors: Jeanelle L. K. Brisbane | Matthijs P. van den Burg

Notas del comportamiento predatorio e ingestión de Chironius monticola (Serpentes: Colubridae) en el suroccidente del Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2020 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Salomón M. Ramírez-Jaramillo | Glenda M. Pozo-Zamora


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2017 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Lachryphagy by cockroaches: reptile tears to increase reproductive output?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Matthijs P. van den Burg | Javier Aznar González de Rueda

A new open access journal for publishing research on Neotropical Biodiversity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 24 December 2015 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Juan M. Guayasamin | Adriana Lucio-Paredes

Extended vocal repertoire of the bromeligenous treefrog Scinax belloni (Anura:Hylidae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Research funded by DLB received a doctoral fellowship by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP; process (2017/27137-7) | Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (88887.369741/2019-00) | Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (300903/2015-4)

Authors: Davi Lee Bang | Izadora Vidigal | Pedro Marinho | Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta

Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) density in Eastern Ecuador based on capture–recapture analyses of camera trap data

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2016 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Diego Mosquera | John G. Blake | Kelly Swing | David Romo

Distribution patterns of Kielmeyera (Calophyllaceae): the Rio Doce basin emerges as a confluent area between the northern and southern Atlantic Forest

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2017 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Research funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Universal n° 482988/2013-4)

Authors: Amanda Pricilla Batista Santos | Cássia Bitencourt | Alessandro Rapini

Guard cell sizes and ploidy levels in Polylepis (Rosaceae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2020 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Research funded by Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (227-2014-FONDECYT)

Authors: Tatiana Erika Boza Espinoza | Vivien Popp | Michael Kessler

On the advertisement call ofBokermannohyla oxenteLugli and Haddad, 2006 (Anura, Hylidae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2016 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Ariovaldo Giaretta | Talita Freitas Brandao | Lucas Borges Martins

Mayna yasuniana (Achariaceae), una especie nueva para el Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2017 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar | Álvaro J. Pérez | Ronald L. Liesner

Primer registro del polluelo y nuevos datos del nido del Autillo Rojizo (Megascops ingens) (Strigiformes: Strigidae) en Zamora Chinchipe, sureste de Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Leonardo Ordóñez-Delgado | Freddy Ramon Castillo | Angel Pineda Díaz

First records of Diptera associated with human corpses in Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2020 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Ana Belén García-Ruilova | Alvaro Barragán | Silvana del C. Ordoñez | Juan F. García | Jose D. Mazón | René Cueva | David A. Donoso

New species of arboreal rat of the genus Rhipidomys (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from Sangay National Park, Ecuador

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2017 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Jorge M. Brito | Nicolás Tinoco | Daniel Chávez | Pablo Moreno-Cárdenas | Diego Batallas | Reed Ojala-Barbour

Two overlooked elusive crakes (Aves, Rallidae): first country record of Ocellated Crake Micropygia schomburgkii in Ecuador and Rufous-faced Crake Laterallus xenopterus in Peru

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: Emiliano A. Depino | Niels K. Krabbe | Juan I. Areta

Influencia del micrositio y el ambiente en la instalación de Polylepis tarapacana en los Altos Andes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in Neotropical Biodiversity

Authors: López Victoria Lien | Cellini Juan Manuel | Griet An Erica Cuyckens