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RETRACTED: Redox Evolution of the Crystallizing Terrestrial Magma Ocean and Its Influence on the Outgassed Atmosphere

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 2023 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA (80NSSC18K0828)

Authors: Maxime Maurice | Rajdeep Dasgupta | Pedram Hassanzadeh

Lithologic Controls on Silicate Weathering Regimes of Temperate Planets

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2021 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by EC ∣ European Research Council (ERC-2017-CoG-771620-EXOKLEIN) | Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione (173992) | Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione (174028)

Authors: Kaustubh Hakim | Dan J. Bower | Meng Tian | Russell Deitrick | Pierre Auclair-Desrotour | Daniel Kitzmann | Caroline Dorn | Klaus Mezger | Kevin Heng

Constraining the Regolith Composition of Asteroid (16) Psyche via Laboratory Visible Near-infrared Spectroscopy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2021 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA Near-Earth Observations (NNXAL06G)

Authors: David C. Cantillo | Vishnu Reddy | Benjamin N. L. Sharkey | Neil A. Pearson | Juan A. Sanchez | Matthew R. M. Izawa | Theodore Kareta | Tanner S. Campbell | Om Chabra

Six Outbursts of Comet 46P/Wirtanen

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 2021 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NSSC20K0673) | Space Telescope Science Institute (HST-GO-15372) | National Research Foundation of Korea (2019R1I1A1A01059609) | Ministerio de Educación, Gobierno de Chile (ESR1795) | National Science Foundation (PHY-2010970) | H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (860470) | Novo Nordisk Fonden (NNF19OC0057374)

Authors: Michael S. P. Kelley | Tony L. Farnham | Jian-Yang 荐扬 Li 李 | Dennis Bodewits | Colin Snodgrass | Johannes Allen | Eric C. Bellm | Michael W. Coughlin | Andrew J. Drake | Dmitry A. Duev | Matthew J. Graham | Thomas Kupfer | Frank J. Masci | Dan Reiley | Richard Walters | M. Dominik | U. G. Jørgensen | A. E. Andrews | N. Bach-Møller | V. Bozza | M. J. Burgdorf | J. Campbell-White | S. Dib | Y. I. Fujii | T. C. Hinse | M. Hundertmark | E. Khalouei | P. Longa-Peña | M. Rabus | S. Rahvar | S. Sajadian | J. Skottfelt | J. Southworth | J. Tregloan-Reed | E. Unda-Sanzana | — | Zwicky Transient Facility Collaboration | MiNDSTEp Collaboration

Shape Modeling of Dimorphos for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 2022 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80MSFC20D0004) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (2019-31-HH.0)

Authors: R. Terik Daly | Carolyn M. Ernst | Olivier S. Barnouin | Robert W. Gaskell | Eric E. Palmer | Hari Nair | Ray C. Espiritu | Sarah Hasnain | Dany Waller | Angela M. Stickle | Michael C. Nolan | Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez | Elisabetta Dotto | Alice Lucchetti | Maurizio Pajola | Simone Ieva | Patrick Michel

Physical Properties of 299 NEOs Manually Recovered in Over Five Years of NEOWISE Survey Data

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2020 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Joseph R. Masiero | Patrice Smith | Lean D. Teodoro | A. K. Mainzer | R. M. Cutri | T. Grav | E. L. Wright

Investigating the Condensation of Benzene (C6H6) in Titan’s South Polar Cloud System with a Combination of Laboratory, Observational, and Modeling Tools

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 2021 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA (CDAP)

Authors: David Dubois | Laura T. Iraci | Erika L. Barth | Farid Salama | Sandrine Vinatier | Ella Sciamma-O’Brien

Chemistry of Temperate Super-Earth and Mini-Neptune Atmospheric Hazes from Laboratory Experiments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2020 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Sarah E. Moran | Sarah M. Hörst | Véronique Vuitton | Chao He | Nikole K. Lewis | Laurène Flandinet | Julianne I. Moses | Nicole North | François-Régis Orthous-Daunay | Joshua Sebree | Cédric Wolters | Eliza M.-R. Kempton | Mark S. Marley | Caroline V. Morley | Jeff A. Valenti

Lorenz Energy Cycle: Another Way to Understand the Atmospheric Circulation on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 2023 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by MOST ∣ National Natural Science Foundation of China (42161144011) | MOST ∣ National Natural Science Foundation of China (42075046)

Authors: Shuang Wang | Jun Yang

The Formation of Bilobate Comet Shapes through Sublimative Torques

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 2021 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NSF (1910275) | NASA (80NSSC18K0497) | JSPS Shingakujutsu Kobo (JP19H05071)

Authors: Taylor K. Safrit | Jordan K. Steckloff | Amanda S. Bosh | David Nesvorny | Kevin Walsh | Ramon Brasser | David A. Minton

Stellar Occultation by the Resonant Trans-Neptunian Object (523764) 2014 WC510 Reveals a Close Binary TNO

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 2020 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Rodrigo Leiva | Marc W. Buie | John M. Keller | Lawrence H. Wasserman | JJ Kavelaars | Terry Bridges | Sean L. Haley | Ryder Strauss | Elizabeth Wilde | Robert Weryk | Pierre Kervella | Robert Baker | Stephen Alan Bock | Ken Conway | Juan M. Cota | James J. Estes | María L. García | Matthew Kehrli | Andrew McCandless | Keitha McCandless | Edgar Self | Cole Settlemire | Diana J. Swanson | Doug Thompson | J. A. Wise

Expanding Mars’s Climate Modeling: Interpretable Machine Learning for Modeling Mars Science Laboratory Relative Humidity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by New York Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Institute Research Grant (G1502) | ASPIRE Award for Research Excellence (S1560) | Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1449038) | LPI/USRA Subaward (Subk00011877)

Authors: Nour Abdelmoneim | Dattaraj B. Dhuri | Dimitra Atri | Germán Martínez

A New 2D Energy Balance Model for Simulating the Climates of Rapidly and Slowly Rotating Terrestrial Planets

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Ramses M. Ramirez

Morphological and Spectral Characterization of Lunar Regolith Breakdown due to Water Ice

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA ∣ Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (80NSSC19M0214)

Authors: A. Shackelford | K. L. Donaldson Hanna | M. Horton | D. Noce

Near to Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of (65803) Didymos as Observed by JWST: Characterization Observations Supporting the Double Asteroid Redirection Test

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 2023 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA ∣ SMD ∣ Planetary Science Division (Contract No. 80MSFC20D0004) | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS 5-03127) | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Interdisciplinary Scientist Grant 21-SMDSS21-0013) | UKRI ∣ Science and Technology Facilities Council (no number available) | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-128062NB-I00) | Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (2019-31-HH.0) | Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (2022-8-HH.0)

Authors: Andrew S. Rivkin | Cristina A. Thomas | Ian Wong | Benjamin Rozitis | Julia de León | Bryan Holler | Stefanie N. Milam | Ellen S. Howell | Heidi B. Hammel | Anicia Arredondo | John R. Brucato | Elena M. Epifani | Simone Ieva | Fiorangela La Forgia | Michael P. Lucas | Alice Lucchetti | Maurizio Pajola | Giovanni Poggiali | Jessica N. Sunshine | Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez

Noble Gas Planetology and the Xenon Clouds of Uranus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 March 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Kevin Zahnle

Modeling the Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Impact Crater Melt on Titan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 2022 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Joshua E. Hedgepeth | Jacob J. Buffo | Chase J. Chivers | Catherine D. Neish | Britney E. Schmidt

Shock Synthesis of Organic Molecules by Meteoroids in the Atmosphere of Titan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 July 2023 in The Planetary Science Journal

Authors: Erin E. Flowers | Christopher F. Chyba

Lessons Learned from NASA’s DART Impact about Disrupting Rubble-pile Asteroids

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 March 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by NASA ∣ SMD ∣ Planetary Science Division (80MSFC20D0004)

Authors: S. D. Raducan | M. Jutzi | C. C. Merrill | P. Michel | Y. Zhang | M. Hirabayashi | A. Mainzer

The Secular Dynamical Evolution of Binary Asteroid System (65803) Didymos Post-DART

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 2024 in The Planetary Science Journal

Research funded by National Science Foundation (DGE 2040434)

Authors: Rachel H. Cueva | Jay W. McMahon | Alex J. Meyer | Daniel J. Scheeres | Masatoshi Hirabayashi | Sabina D. Raducan | Seth A. Jacobson | Colby C. Merrill