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A causal inference method for canal safety anomaly detection based on structural causal model and GBDT

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2023 in LHB

Research funded by Projects of Open Cooperation of Henan Academy of Sciences (220901008) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (72271091) | Henan Water Conservancy Science and Technology Research Project Plan (GG202259)

Authors: Hairui Li | Xuemei Liu | Xianfeng Huai | Xiaolu Chen

Gestion durable de la forêt alluviale ligérienne pour limiter l’aléa de rupture de digue

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in LHB

Authors: Stéphane Braud | Sébastien Patouillard | Gabin Bouvard

Outil d’aide à la gestion de crise pour la mission RDI33 : Atlas de scenarios de submersion sur le bassin d’Arcachon

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 18 March 2024 in LHB

Authors: Sophie Lecacheux | Andrea G. Filippini | Rodrigo Pedreros | Jeremy Rohmer | Luca Arpaia | Jessie Louisor | Alexandre Nicolae Lerma | Déborah Idier | Robin Quique | Denis Paradis | Françoise Rose

Impacts du changement climatique sur les pluies intenses et les crues en Méditerranée

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in LHB

Authors: Yves Tramblay | Aurélien Ribes | Samuel Somot | Luc Neppel | Philippe Lucas-Picher | Freddy Vinet | Eric Sauquet

Identification and quantitative analysis of flash flood risks for small catchments in China: a new operational modelling approach

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Research funded by National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFC1510603)

Authors: Changjun Liu | Qiang Ma | Xiaolei Zhang | Changzhi Li | Qing Li | Philippe Gourbesville | Liang Guo | Liuqian Ding

Actualités sur la normalisation en hydrométrie

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Authors: Arnaud Belleville | Karine Delamarre Pobanz

Courbes de tarage dynamiques pour la végétation aquatique saisonnière

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Research funded by ministère chargé de la transition écologique (2102897179)

Authors: Emeline Perret | Jérôme Le Coz | Benjamin Renard

Utilisation d’une base de données de jaugeages à une échelle régionale pour la réalisation et la mise à jour d’un référentiel d’étiage

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 13 December 2023 in LHB

Authors: Benjamin Grelier | Hajar El Khalfi | Claire Delus | Gilles Drogue | Sébastien Lebaut | Luc Manceau | et Didier François

Surrogate-based optimization for overflow spillway design

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in LHB

Authors: Fatna Oukaili | Yvan Bercovitz | Cédric Goeury | Fabrice Zaoui | Erwan Le Coupanec | Kamal El kadi Abderrezzak

Dénoyer une galerie en charge pour améliorer la flexibilité d’une centrale hydroélectrique

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Research funded by Bundesamt für Energie (SI/501636-01)

Authors: Jean Decaix | Anthony Gaspoz | Vlad Hasmatuchi | Matthieu Dreyer | Christophe Nicolet | Steve Crettenand | Cécile Münch-Alligné

Intelligent generation method of emergency plan for hydraulic engineering based on knowledge graph – take the South-to-North Water Diversion Project as an example

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Research funded by Projects of Open Cooperation of Henan Academy of Sciences (220) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (72271091)

Authors: Xuemei Liu | Hankang Lu | Hairui Li

Finite element analysis on piping control effect of the suspended cut-off wall in two-stratum dike foundations

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Research funded by International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2010DFA74520) | National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFC1502602) | Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period (2008BAB42B05 & 2008BAB42B06)

Authors: Shunfu Zhang | Qiang Ma | Qiyi Zhang | Nan Qiao | Jiabi Xie | Qiuling Yao | Philippe Gourbesville | Changjun Liu | Liuqian Ding

Eutrophication, oxygen status and nutrient fluxes in a macrotidal estuarine reservoir: the case of the Ria Penfeld, Bay of Brest

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Authors: S. P. H. Jaffrès | E. Kerebel | M. M. Le Bagousse | C. J. Lefort | C. J. Y. Morisseau | K. Rouanet | N. C. Pemartin | P. Sanlis | J. Devesa | J.-F. Maguer | M. Waeles

Performance evaluation of CORDEX South Asia models for projections of precipitation over the Kabul basin, Afghanistan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Authors: Masoud Ghulami | Philippe Gourbesville | Philippe Audra | Liong Shie-Yui

Approche Hybride innovante pour la mesure des débits s’écoulant dans les conduites de groupes hydroélectriques de moyenne chute

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Authors: Gilles Pierrefeu | Pierre Roumieu | Karine Delamarre Pobanz | Christophe Peteuil

Operational hydrometeorological forecasting on the Rhône River in France: moving toward a seamless probabilistic approach

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in LHB

Authors: Laurie Caillouet | Sabrina Celie | Olivier Vannier | Guillaume Bontron | Sébastien Legrand

Origine et dynamique des ions controlant la mineralisation des eaux des sources dans la partie amont de la vallee de L’oued Labiod, (W) Batna, Algerie. Regions : Ichemoul, Arris, T’kout et Ghassira

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in LHB

Authors: Nafaa Brinis | Ali Brahmia | Ahmed Hamel | Slimane Benhamida

Modélisation du ruissellement : enjeux et réponses des modèles numériques

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2021 in LHB

Authors: Anne Piveteau | Bastien Solera | Bénédicte Frey

Water efficiency in smart cities: optimising irrigation for public green spaces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2024 in LHB

Research funded by gency of Investigation (RTI2018-097471-B-C21) | eneralitat de Catalunya through the Consolidated Research Group (2021 SGR 01282)

Authors: L. Gasser | F. Le Gall | M. Abily

Deformation monitoring and numerical simulation of prestressed concrete beam with local corrosion and fracture of prestressed steel

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2023 in LHB

Research funded by Research and Development Program of China (2018YFC0406900)

Authors: Wenjie Song | Yi Liu | Feng Shang