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Repertoire de la Pratique Frangaise en Matiere de Droit International Public. Edited by Alexandre-Charles Kiss. Tome VI. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1969. pp. xiv, 615. Index. Fr. 85.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1971 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: R. R. Baxter

United States Proclamations and Regulations Concerning the War Between Germany, on the one Hand, and Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands, on the other Hand

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1940 in American Journal of International Law

Article 31. Fraud

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1935 in American Journal of International Law

XV. Protocol Relating to the Karagatch Territory and the Islands of Imbros and Tenedos, Signed by the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Greece and Turkey

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1924 in American Journal of International Law

The United States in World Affairs, 1939. ByWhitney H. Shepardson and William O. Scroggs. (New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1940. pp. xvi, 420. Index. $3.00.).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1941 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Wilson Leon Godshall

Competition Policy in the UK and EEC. Edited by Kenneth D. George and Caroline Joll. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Pp. 220. Index. $19.95.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1977 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Eric E. Bergsten

Legal Choices for State Enterprises in the Third World. By Robert C. Pozen. (New York: New York University Press, 1976. Pp. xxiv, 263. Index. $15.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1977 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Harry L. Freeman

Völkerbund und Staat. By N. Maim. Tartu: J. Raudsepp; The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1932. pp. ii, 356. Gld. 8.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1933 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Clyde Eagleton

Stasiukevich v. Nicolls

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1948 in American Journal of International Law

Editors’ Note

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2012 in American Journal of International Law

The “Greek Case” before the Council of Europe: The Exercise of “Political Pressure” by International Organizations: Theory and Practice. (In Greek) By Dimitris C. Constas. (Athens: Papazisis Publishing House, 1976. Pp. 244).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1977 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Marios L. Evriviadks

Treaty of Arbitration Between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and the Argentine Republic

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1909 in American Journal of International Law

McGann v. U.S. Board of Parole & M. R. Hogan, Warden, 488 F.2d 39

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1974 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Alona E. Evans

The Relations Between China, Russia and Mongolia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1916 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: E. T. Williams

Annex II. Outline of a Proposed Convention, regarding Maritime Mortgages and Privileged Liens, as Submitted to the Examination of the Governments Concerned

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1910 in American Journal of International Law

The Education of Jeremy Bentham. By Charles Warren Everett. New York: Columbia University Press, 1931. pp. xxii, 216. Index. $2.50.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1933 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: J. S. Reeves

I Built a Temple for Peace. The Life of Eduard Beneš. By Edward B. Hitchcock. (New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1940. pp. xvii, 364. Index. $3.50.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1941 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: G.Bernard Noble

Wooden Titan: Hindenburg in Twenty Years of German History, 1914-1934. By John W. Wheeler-Bennett. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1936. pp. xx, 491. Index. $5.00.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1937 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: Charles C. Tansill

AJI volume 35 to 54 issue I1 Cover and Front matter

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1960 in American Journal of International Law

Cabebe v. Acheson, Secretary of State

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1950 in American Journal of International Law

Authors: William W. Bishop