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Regarding criticisms without citation.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1988 in American Psychologist

Authors: Amedeo Giorgi

Diet, lipids, and coronary heart disease.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1986 in American Psychologist

Authors: R. Craig Lefebvre

Beyond the self-help polemics.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1988 in American Psychologist

Authors: Michael J. Mahoney

Different age groups' similar outlook on nuclear war.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1988 in American Psychologist

Authors: Judith Van Hoorn | Perrin French

Obituaries: Elizabeth Douvan (1926-2002).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2003 in American Psychologist

Authors: Abigail J. Stewart | Toni C. Antonucci | Joanne B. Veroff

Methodolatry and Graphicacy.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in American Psychologist

Authors: Harris Friedman

Officers, Boards, Committees, and Representatives of the American Psychological Association, 2003.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2003 in American Psychologist

Editors of APA Primary Journals: 2003 Address List.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2003 in American Psychologist

"Sun, moon and stars": Comment.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in American Psychologist

Authors: Kelly M. Vitousek | Jennifer Gray

Photoelectric methods of recording eye movements.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1969 in American Psychologist

Authors: A. D. Vladimirov | E. D. Homskaya

Some reflections on the meaning of psychodiagnosis.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1971 in American Psychologist

Authors: Harrison Gough

Visitation to mental health programs in Eastern Europe.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in American Psychologist

Authors: C. Scott Moss

Reductionism in the psychology of the Eighties: Can biochemistry eliminate addiction, mental illness, and pain?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1981 in American Psychologist

Authors: Stanton Peele

Securing the blessings of liberty for posterity: Preventive health care for children.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1984 in American Psychologist

Authors: Dale Bumpers

Dimensions of the relationship between the Black client and the White therapist.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in American Psychologist

Authors: Alison Jones | Arthur A. Seagull

Psychologists and marriage counselors in the United States.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in American Psychologist

Authors: J. Morris Kimber

Psychology in the public service.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in American Psychologist

Authors: Philip G. Zimbardo

The case against criminal penalties for illicit drug use.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1972 in American Psychologist

Authors: Thomas J. Stachnik

The politics of empiricism: Research recommendations of the Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1974 in American Psychologist

Authors: Norman H. Hamm

Psychologists in medical schools: The trials of emerging political activism.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1987 in American Psychologist

Authors: David Clayson | Ivan N. Mensh