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Notes on Zou Zhilin

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Stephen Little

The Bodhisattva with a Mask

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Dorothy H. Fickle

A Note on the Dating of the Mosque of Rustem Pasa in Istanbul

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Leslie Meral Schick

On the Chinese Neolithic Jade Tsung/Cong

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Hayashi Minao | Alexander Coburn Soper

Kalyanakarin's Adventures. The Identification of an Ajanta Painting

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Dieter Schlingloff

The Allegory of Den in Persian Art

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Guitty Azarpay

The Treatment of Narrative in Jagat Singh's "Ramayana": A Preliminary Study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Vidya Dehejia

Kosalesvara Temple at Baidyanath (Balangir District, Orissa)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: D. R. Das

P'an-lung-ch'eng: A Shang City in Hupei

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Robert W. Bagley

A Brass Vessel from the Tomb of Sayyid Battal Ghazi. Notes on the Interpretation of Thirteenth-Century Islamic Imagery

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Eva Baer

The Malay Peninsula in Hindu Times

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Stanley J. O'Connor | H. G. Quaritch Wales

Early Cola Architecture and Sculpture

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Gary J. Schwindler | Douglas Barrett

An Eighth Century Mihrab in Gwalior

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1985 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Michael D. Willis

Li Sung and Some Aspects of Southern Sung Figure Painting

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Ellen Johnston Laing

Princes of Jade

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Alexander C. Soper | Edmund Capon | William MacQuitty

Traditional Woodblock Prints of Japan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton | Yoshitomo Okamoto | Ronald K. Jones | Seiichiro Takahashi | Richard Stanley-Baker

Der Triumph des Sasaniden Sahpuhr uber Gordian, Philippus und Valerian

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: R. Ghirshman | R. Gobl

Un Bas-relief parthe de la Collection Foroughi. Notes Iraniennes XVII

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: R. Ghirshman

Kunst im Lan Na Thai (6): Ein Gong aus Mandalay. Beispiel fur die Entstehung von Erzahlgut

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Hans Penth

A Ninth Century Landscape Painting in the Japanese Imperial Palace and Some Chinese Parallels

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in Artibus Asiae

Authors: Alexander Coburn Soper