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A new paradigm to investigate the roles of head and eye movements in the coordination of whole-body movements

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2004 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Mark A. Hollands | Nausica V. Ziavra | Adolfo M. Bronstein

Visually guided stepping under conditions of step cycle-related denial of visual information

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1996 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: M.A. Hollands | D.E. Marple-Horvat

Localisation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactivity in rat and rabbit retinas

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1995 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: M.T.R. Perez | B. Larsson | P. Alm | K.-E. Andersson | B. Ehinger

Stabilizing gaze reflexes in the pigeon (Columba livia)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1988 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: H. Gioanni

An anti-Hick’s effect for exogenous, but not endogenous, saccadic eye movements

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2010 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Bonnie M. Lawrence

Spatial attention: more than intrinsic alerting?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2006 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: W. Sturm | B. Schmenk | B. Fimm | K. Specht | S. Weis | A. Thron | K. Willmes

Alterations of inhibitory processes in the dentate gyrus following kindling-induced epilepsy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1985 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: M.W. Oliver | J.J. Miller

Preparatory band specific premotor cortical activity differentiates upper and lower extremity movement

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 2007 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Lewis A. Wheaton | Mackenzie Carpenter | J. C. Mizelle | Larry Forrester

O hand, where art thou? Mapping hand location across the visual field during common activities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2023 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Joao Mineiro | Gavin Buckingham

FOXO1 represses MCL1 transcription to regulate the function of vascular smooth muscle cells in intracranial aneurysm

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2022 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Jinqing Huang | Lang Hong | Binghua Shen | Yunying Zhou | Jianyun Lan | Ying Peng

An electrophysiological study of pathways mediating optokinetic responses to the vestibular nucleus in the rat

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1984 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: L. Cazin | J. Lannou | W. Precht

An analysis of potentially converging inputs to the rostral ventral thalamic nuclei of the cat

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1987 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: M.E. Anderson | J.L. DeVito

Cerebellotectal projections studied in cats with horseradish peroxidase or tritiated amino acids axonal transport

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1982 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: T. Hirai | S. Onodera | K. Kawamura

Cerebello-olivary fibers: Their origin, course and distribution in the North American opossum

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1976 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: G.F. Martin | C.K. Henkel | J.S. King

The origin and termination of the dentatorubral fibres in the cat as studied with retrograde and anterograde transport of peroxidase labelled lectin

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1986 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: F. Walberg | E. Dietrichs | T. Nordby

Collateralization of cerebellar efferent projections to the paraoculomotor region, superior colliculus, and medial pontine reticular formation in the rat: a fluorescent double-labeling study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1987 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: A. Gonzalo-Ruiz | G.R. Leichnetz

The effect of acute aerobic exercise on the consolidation of motor memories

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2021 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Sarah R. Holman | W. Richard Staines

Position shifts of fMRI-based population receptive fields in human visual cortex induced by Ponzo illusion

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2015 in Experimental Brain Research

Research funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (2015CB351800) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (31230029) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (31421003)

Authors: Dongjun He | Ce Mo | Yizhou Wang | Fang Fang

Chronic impairments of static postural stability associated with history of concussion

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Nicholas Reilly | Jessica Prebor | Jacquelyn Moxey | Eric Schussler

Diminished size–weight illusion in anorexia nervosa: evidence for visuo-proprioceptive integration deficit

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2012 in Experimental Brain Research

Authors: Laura K. Case | Rachel C. Wilson | Vilayanur S. Ramachandran