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Note on dimension theory for metric spaces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1958 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: J. Nagata

Les fonctions continues et les fonctions intégrables au sens de Riemann comme sous-espaces de $ℒ^1$

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1991 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Robert Cauty

(Weak) diamond can fail at the least inaccessible cardinal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Mohammad Golshani

Extension theory of infinite symmetric products

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2004 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Jerzy Dydak

Translation invariant linear spaces of polynomials

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Gergely Kiss | Miklós Laczkovich

Iterating along a Prikry sequence

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2016 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Spencer Unger

Sur un ensemble non dénombrable de points, superposable avec les moitiés de sa partie aliquote

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1921 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Stanisław Ruziewicz

Sur une fonction analytique partout continue

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1923 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Paul Uryshon

Sur un problème de M. Lebesgue

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1920 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Wacław Sierpiński

On the Weierstrass-Stone approximation theorem

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1957 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: B. Banaschewski

On the cardinality and weight spectra of compact spaces, II

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: I. Juhász | S. Shelah

Consistency of the Silver dichotomy in generalised Baire space

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Sy-David Friedman

On admissibility for parabolic equations in Rn

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Martino Prizzi

Diagonalising an ultrafilter and preserving a $P$-point

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Heike Mildenberger

Non-manifold factors Euclidean spaces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1970 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: A. Boals

An addition to "Substructures of reduced powers"

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: B. Węglorz

Semilattice theory with applications to point-set topology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1977 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Eric Braude

Una condizione di rapresentazione per le serie

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1921 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Witold Wilkosz

Sur un théorème do Hessenberg

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1932 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Gabriel Sudan

Universal spaces for locally finite-dimensional and strongly countable-dimensional metrizable spaces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Fundamenta Mathematicae

Authors: Wojciech Olszewski