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Is sex maintained to facilitate or minimise mutational advance?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1976 in Heredity

Authors: J T Manning

Size-specific fecundity and the influence of lifetime size variation upon effective population size in Abies balsamea

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2000 in Heredity

Authors: Mike E Dodd | Jonathan Silvertown

Recurrent polyploid origins and chloroplast phylogeography in the Arabis holboellii complex (Brassicaceae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 7 July 2001 in Heredity

Authors: Timothy F Sharbel | Thomas Mitchell-Olds

Transgenic Animals in Agriculture

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2000 in Heredity

Authors: John Bishop

Books Received

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1999 in Heredity

Polymorphisms in cyclically-varying environments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1975 in Heredity

Authors: Thomas Nagylaki

The pattern of evolutionary change in bacteria

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1972 in Heredity

Authors: R W Hedges

Analysis of the su-leuA locus in Salmonella typhimurium

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1960 in Heredity

Authors: G W P Dawson | P F Smith-Keary

Interaction of modifiers: The effect of pallid and fidget on polydactyly in the mouse

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1960 in Heredity

Authors: W F Bodmer

Genetic diversity in the monospecific Western Australian endemic, Geleznowia verrucosa Turcz. (Rutaceae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1999 in Heredity

Authors: Linda M Broadhurst | David J Coates | Beng H Tan

Genetic control of neocentric activity in rye

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1962 in Heredity

Authors: M D Hayward

A buffered interaction between sex ratio, age difference at marriage, and population growth in humans, and their significance for sex ratio evolution

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1974 in Heredity

Authors: Avigdor Beiles

Evolutionary genetics: Fight or flinch?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2006 in Heredity

Authors: J K M Brown | R J Handley

The B chromosome system of Omocestus bolivari: changes in B-behaviour in M4-polysomic B-males

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1985 in Heredity

Authors: E Viseras | J P M Camacho

The in vitro genetics of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): detection and analysis of reciprocal differences for culture response to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1987 in Heredity

Authors: W Powell | P D S Caligari

Variation of ribosomal gene spacer length among wild and cultivated banana

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1992 in Heredity

Authors: C Lanaud | H Tezenas du Montcel | M P Jolivot | J C Glaszmann | D Gonzalez de Leon

Gene transfer in Nicotiana rustica by means of irradiated pollen. I. Unselected progenies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1981 in Heredity

Authors: P D S Caligari | N R Ingram | J L Jinks

Measuring departures from Hardy–Weinberg: a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for estimating the inbreeding coefficient

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1998 in Heredity

Authors: Karen L Ayres | David J Balding

Genetics of divergence in male wing pigmentation and courtship behavior between Drosophila elegans and D. gunungcola

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2006 in Heredity

Authors: S-D Yeh | S-R Liou | J R True

Genetic variation in natural stocks of Sardina pilchardus (sardines) from the western Mediterranean Sea

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1997 in Heredity