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The Red Vascular Fluid of the Earthworm a Corpusculated fluid

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 1878 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: E. Ray Lankester

Histochemical changes correlated with reproductive activity and nutrition in the chiton, Katharina tunicata

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 1964 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: M. Aquinas Nimitz | A. C. Giese

The presence and location of sporopollenin in fruiting bodies of the cellular slime moulds

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 March 1984 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: Yasuo Maeda

Requirement of phosphatidic acid binding for distribution of the bacterial protein Lpg1137 targeting syntaxin 17

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 March 2022 in Journal of Cell Science

Research funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (#18H02656,#20H05772)

Authors: Misaki Murata | Riku Kanamori | Tomoe Kitao | Tomoko Kubori | Hiroki Nagai | Mitsuo Tagaya | Kohei Arasaki

2015 Winner: Monika Zwerger

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 March 2016 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: Michael Way

First person – Sarah O'Keefe

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 February 2021 in Journal of Cell Science

First person – Veena Mathew

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2020 in Journal of Cell Science

Simplet/Fam53b is required for Wnt signal transduction by regulating β-catenin nuclear localization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 2014 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: Caghan Kizil | Beate Küchler | Jia-Jiun Yan | Günes Özhan | Enrico Moro | Francesco Argenton | Michael Brand | Gilbert Weidinger | Christopher L. Antos

IKKϵ inhibits PKC to promote Fascin-dependent actin bundling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 2016 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: Tetsuhisa Otani | Yosuke Ogura | Kazuyo Misaki | Takuya Maeda | Akiyo Kimpara | Shigenobu Yonemura | Shigeo Hayashi

Author choices on Journal of Cell Science: how ‘open’ are we to Open Access?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 September 2020 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: O. Claire Moulton | Sharon Ahmad

First person – Chih-Wen Chu

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 May 2018 in Journal of Cell Science

First person – Daniel Friedman and Poppy Simmonds

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2021 in Journal of Cell Science

The whole story II – the missing page

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 2014 in Journal of Cell Science

Drosophilachromatin assembly factor 1 p105 and p180 subunits are required for follicle cell proliferation via inhibiting Notch signaling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2019 in Journal of Cell Science

Research funded by National Institutes of Health (R01GM072562) | Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing, National Science Foundation (IOS-1557904) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (31529004)

Authors: Pang-Kuo Lo | Yi-Chun Huang | David Corcoran | Renjie Jiao | Wu-Min Deng

Metaphase position of an interchange quadrivalent of Allium triquetrum III. the expected distribution based on randomness

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 July 1988 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: Geoffrey K. Rickards | Wendy A. Baker

Index of Authors

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 1991 in Journal of Cell Science

Cell type specific electrophoretic polypeptide profiles of cultured bovine cells

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 1984 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: David W. Lincoln | II, Karen I. Braunschweiger | Walter R. Braunschweiger | James R. Smith

Histone H3 modifications are widely reprogrammed during male meiosis I in rice dependently on MEL1 Argonaute protein

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2016 in Journal of Cell Science

Research funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (25252004,15K14630)

Authors: Hua Liu | Ken-Ichi Nonomura

Deep RNA profiling identified clock and molecular clock genes as pathophysiological signatures in collagen VI myopathy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2016 in Journal of Cell Science

Research funded by Seventh Framework Programme (241665,305444) | Fondazione Telethon (GGP08017,GUP11007) | National Institutes of Health (AR066082)

Authors: C. Scotton | M. Bovolenta | E. Schwartz | M. S. Falzarano | E. Martoni | C. Passarelli | A. Armaroli | H. Osman | C. Rodolico | S. Messina | E. Pegoraro | A. D'Amico | E. Bertini | F. Gualandi | M. Neri | R. Selvatici | P. Boffi | M. A. Maioli | H. Lochmüller | V. Straub | K. Bushby | T. Castrignanò | G. Pesole | P. Sabatelli | L. Merlini | P. Braghetta | P. Bonaldo | P. Bernardi | R. Foley | S. Cirak | I. Zaharieva | F. Muntoni | D. Capitanio | C. Gelfi | E. Kotelnikova | A Yuryev | M. Lebowitz | X. Zhang | B. Hodge | K. A. Esser | A. Ferlini

Characterization of Mid1 domains for targeting and scaffolding in fission yeast cytokinesis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 2012 in Journal of Cell Science

Authors: I-Ju Lee | Jian-Qiu Wu