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Extracting, storing, and transporting whole blood DNA under tropical conditions.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 July 1991 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: I Bates | G Bedu-Addo | T R Rutherford

Immunogenetics of trophoblastic tumours

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 1976 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: S. D. Lawler


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1963 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: R. B. Goudif

Ultrastructural Atlas of the Inner Ear

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 May 1985 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: L Michaels

Pathology of the Colon, Small Intestine, and Anus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 1984 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: H Thompson

Resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid in strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 1981 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: S H Siddiqi | A Aziz | Z Reggiardo | G Middlebrook

Bronchial Carcinoma

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 1986 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: B Corrin


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 July 1963 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: C. W. Taylor

HLA-linked C2 deficiency in a Dutch patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 1979 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: L Berrens | H B de la Faille | E Borst-Eilers

The Eye and Its Disorders

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 1974 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: K. Wybar

Problems with immunosuppressive agents in renal disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 1975 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: J. S. Cameron

Detection of Y chromosomal material in ovarian (gonadal) tumours

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2012 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: Colin J R Stewart

Comparison of three-compartment Petri dishes and individual plates for routine culture of vaginal swabs.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 1990 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: J C Reeder | A P Shakespeare | C Bryan | M G Keaney | L A Ganguli

Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 1993 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: N Ketley

Advanced Histopathology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 1991 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: P Domizio

Incidence of haemagglutinating antibodies to meningococci in north-west England

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 November 1972 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: D. M. Jones | B. M. Tobin

The Circulating Platelet

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 1972 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: R. M. Hardisty

Factors affecting the assay of gentamicin by the plate diffusion method.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 January 1976 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: S Deacon

Dicentric chromosome in the bone marrow of a child with megakaryoblastic leukaemia and Down's syndrome.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 1988 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: A O Wilkie | C Kitchen | A Oakhill | R T Howell | P J Berry

Gastrointestinal Pathology and its Clinical Implications. Vols I and II

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 1992 in Journal of Clinical Pathology

Authors: F D Lee