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A counselor's evaluative expectancy and his interpersonal response to a client.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Usha Kumar | Harold B. Pepinsky

Studies of occupational history: I. Job changes and the classification of occupations.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1966 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Anne Roe | W. D. Hubbard | Thomas Hutchinson

Comparison of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank and the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey scoring procedures.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1970 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: David M. Lefkowitz

Social comparison, self-evaluation, and influence in counseling.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1972 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Stanley R. Strong | Bonnie L. Gray

Developmental group counseling: An outcome study.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1970 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Dale J. Prediger | Reemt R. Baumann

Effects of confrontation by high- and low-functioning therapists.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1968 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Susan C. Anderson

Dimensions of marijuana usage in a land-grant university.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1970 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Lois B. DeFleur | Gerald R. Garrett

Model reinforcement of verbalizations versus actions.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1971 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Marion Q. Lewis | Ronald D. Baker

Perceived helpfulness of others as a function of compatible intelligence levels.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Patricia Keith-Spiegel | Donald E. Spiegel

Facilitative training: Acquisition, retention, and modes of assessment.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1973 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Edward R. Butler | James C. Hansen

To the Editor.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1966 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Emanuel M. Berger

Behavioral goals for counseling.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1966 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: John D. Krumboltz

Manifest anxiety, extraversion, and neuroticism: A factor-analytic solution.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1971 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: David Sherrill | J. L. Salisbury

Effects of three types of sensitivity groups on changes in measures of self-actualization.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1972 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Counseling Center Staff

Further Considerations in Applications of Factor Analysis.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1971 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: David J. Weiss

Cognitive styles and educational-vocational preferences and selection.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1969 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Samuel H. Osipow

Influence of transcendental meditation on a measure of self-actualization.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1972 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: William Seeman | Sanford Nidich | Thomas Banta

Perceived levels of self-disclosure, mental health, and helpfulness of group leaders.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1973 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: O. Phillip May | Charles L. Thompson

Student feeling about names for a counseling service.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1973 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: Richard G. Kohlan

Reinforcing value of five stimulus conditions in a quasi-counseling situation.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1968 in Journal of Counseling Psychology

Authors: John J. Kennedy | Jules M. Zimmer