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Southeast Asia - Power and Difference: Gender in Island Southeast Asia. Edited by Jane Monnig Atkinson and Shelly Errington. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. Pp. xvii, 498. Maps, Notes, Index, Bibliography.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1992 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Roxana waterson

Philippines. Growth and decline: Essays on Philippine church history. By John N. Schumacher S.J. Manila: Ateneo de Manila Press, 2009. Pp. 291. Abbreviations, References, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2011 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Gloria Esguerra Melencio

SEA volume 15 issue 2 Cover and Front matter

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1984 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

The Genesis of Konfrontasi. Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia 1945–1965. By Greg Poulgrain. Foreword by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing/London: C. Hurst & Co., 1998. Pp. xxv, 321. Illustrations, Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1999 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: John Legge

Discrepant Histories: Translocal Essays on Filipino Cultures. Edited by Vicente L. Rafael. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. Pp. xxviii, 331. Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1999 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Niels Mulder

A Note on Finds of Early Chinese Ceramics Associated with Megalithic Remains in Northwest Lampung

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1993 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: E. Edwards McKinnon

Indonesia. Bugis Navigation. GENE AMMARELL. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asian Studies (Monograph 48), 1999. Pp. xiv, 299. Maps, Tables, Illustrations, Notes, Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2002 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies


Singapore. A slow ride into the past: The Chinese trishaw industry in Singapore, 1942–1983. By Jason Lim. Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, 2013. Pp. 163. Plates, Notes, Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2014 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Pingtjin Thum

Indonesia - In the Shadow of Agriculture: Non-farm Activities in the Javanese Economy, Past and Present. Edited by Paul Alexander, Peter Boomgaard and Ben White. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1991. Pp. 154. Tables, Notes, Bibliographies, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1994 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: G.R. Knight

Thailand - Thai Perceptions of Japanese Modernization. Edited by Kunio Yoshihara. Kuala Lumpur: Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies in association with Falcon Press, 1989. Pp. viii, 144. Tables, Notes, Bibliography.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1991 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: E. Bruce Reynolds

The politics of ruins and the business of nostalgia. By MAURIZIO PELEGGI. Bangkok: White Lotus, Studies in Contemporary Thailand No. 10, 2002. Pp. x, 100. Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2003 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies


Indonesia - Metamorfosis NU dan Politisasi Islam Indonesia. By A. Gaffar Karim. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar in Cooperation with LKIS Yogyakarta, 1995. Pp. xiv, 219. Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1999 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Nakamura Mitsuo

Thailand - Thai-Japanese Relations in Historical Perspective. Edited by Chaiwat Khamchoo and E. Bruce Reynolds. Bangkok: Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 1988. Pp. xxi, 280. Maps, Tables, Appendices, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1990 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Benjamin A. Batson

Indonesia. Unfinished nation: Indonesia before and after Suharto. By Max Lane. London and New York: Verso, 2008. Pp. viii, 302. Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2011 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Rommel Curaming

Bali: A Paradise Created. By Adrian Vickers. Berkeley and Singapore: Periplus Editions, 1989. Pp. xi, 240. Illustrations, Notes, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1992 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Kathleen M. Adams

Indonesia. Katalog naskah Merapi-Merbabu Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia. By KARTIKA SETYAWATI, I. KUNTARA WIRYAMARTANA and WILLEM VAN DER MOLEN. Yogyakarta: Penerbitan Universitas Sanata Dharma; Leiden: Opleiding Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Asië en Oceanië Universiteit Leiden, 2002. Pp. 278. Bibliography, Appendices, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2004 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies


Malaysia - The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Sri Lanka and Malaysia. By Henry J. Bruton, in collaboration with Gamini Abeysekera, Nimal Sanderatne and Zainal Aznam Yusof. New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1992. Pp. xiv, 422. Figures, Tables, Bibliography, and Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1993 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: K.S. Jomo

Laws and Social Order in Early Thailand: An Introduction to the Mangraisat

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1984 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: David K. Wyatt

Forest Recollections: Wandering Monks in Twentieth-Century Thailand. By Kamala Tiyavanich. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997. Pp. xxi, 410. Bibliography, Index.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1998 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: Hjorleifur Jonsson

Towards the History of Malayan Society: Kuala Lumpur District, 1885–1912

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1979 in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Authors: J. G. Butcher