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1934. A nomogram for the solution of right-angled triangles

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1946 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: C. G. Paradine

Calculus by calculator, by Maurice D. Weir. Pp 387. £7.95. 1982. ISBN 0-13-111922-2 (Prentice-Hall)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1983 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: N. G. G. Webb

Reviews - The unravelers, mathematical snapshots, J.-F. Dars, A. Lesne and A. Papillault, (eds) (trans. V. Méla) £26.50. 2008. ISBN 978-1-56881-441-4 (A.K. Peters).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2010 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: Peter Giblin

New Oxford Junior Mathematics. By E. M. Williams and E. J. James. Books 1 and 2. Each pp. 124. 8s. 1969. (O.U.P.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1970 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: Margaret Hayman

John Couch Adams and the discovery of Neptune. By W. M. Smart. Pp. 56. 5s. 1947. (Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London, W. 1)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Electricity. By C. A. Coulson. Pp. xii, 254. 10s. 6d. 1948. (Oliver & Boyd)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

The Strange Story of the Quantum. By Banesh Hoffmann. Pp. xi, 239. $3. 1947. (Harper & Brothers, New York)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

La Géométrie et Le Problème de L’Espace. III. L’Édification Axiomatique. By Ferdinand Gonseth. Pp. 108. Frs. 7.50. 1947. (Éditions du Griffon, Neuchatel)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: D. Pedoe

2036. Convergence of series and integrals

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: M. F. Egan

An elementary treatise on differential equations. 2nd edition. By A. Cohen. Pp. vii, 337. 12s. 6d. 1948. (Heath, New York; Harrap)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Guidance pamphlet in mathematics for high school students. Pp. 25. 25 cents; orders of 10 or more, 10 cents each. Report of the Commission on Post-war Plans of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (Mathematics Teacher, 525West 120th St., New York,.27)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Plymouth and District Branch

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Mechanics. By J. C. Slater and N. H. Frank. Pp. xiii, 297. 24s. 1947 (McGraw-Hill)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

2029. Note on the limit of (sin θ)/θ when θ→0

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1948 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: F. Bowman

Two Dimensional Potential Problems connected with Rectilinear Boundaries. By B. R. Seth. Pp. vi, 124. Rs. 2.12. 1939. Lucknow University Studies, 13. (University of Lucknow)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1940 in The Mathematical Gazette

1488. Notes on conics. 4:The conic as a locus of ideal points

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1940 in The Mathematical Gazette

Facsimiles of Two Papers by Bayes, (i) An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances, with Richard Price’s Foreword and Discussion; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., pp. 370–418, 1763. With a Commentary by Edward C. Molina, (ii) A Letter on Asymptotic Series from Bayes to John Canton; pp. 269-271 of the same Volume. With a Commentary by W Edwards Deming. Pp. 52 +xvi; 8½″ × 5½″. $1. 1940. (The Graduate School, The Department of Agriculture, Washington)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1941 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: G. J. Lidstone

The Factors of the Mind. An Introduction to Factor-Analysis in Psychology. By Cyril Burt. Pp. xiv, 509. 21s. 1940. (University of London Press)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1941 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: H. T. H. Piaggio

1524. Proof of an identity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1941 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: H. J. Curnow

The development of mathematics. By E. T. Bell. Pp. xiii, 583. 31s. 6d. 1940. (McGraw-Hill)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1941 in The Mathematical Gazette