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2737. Factorising large numbers and the verification of primes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1957 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: W. L. Aldridge

Tafeln zum Vergleich Zweier Stichproben mittels X-test und Zeichentest. (Tables for Comparing two Samples by X-test and sign test). By B. L. van der Waerden. and E. Nievergelt. Pp. 34. DM 4.80. 1956.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1957 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: G. A. Barnard

School Marks

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1957 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: B. C. Brookes

2732. On relatively prime sequences

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1957 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: J. Lambek | L. Moser

Der vierdimensionale Raum. By R. W. Weitzenbõck. Pp. 224. Fr/DM 19.55. 1956. Sammlung Wissenschaft und Kultur, Bd. 10. (Birkháuser, Basel)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1957 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: T. J. Willmore

The historical development of complex numbers

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1976 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: D. R. Green

Mathematical biofluiddynamics, by Sir James Lighthill. Pp ix, 281. $24·75. 1975 (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1976 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: Stephen Castell

The rank size rule in perspective

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1979 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: Freda Conway

Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves. By E. Jahnke and F. Emde. New U.S. edition. Pp. 303, 76. $3.50. 1943. (Dover Publications, New York ; Scientific Computing Service, London)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1945 in The Mathematical Gazette

Fibonacci periods and multiples

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2018 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: G. J. O. Jameson

New Method Arithmetics. By J. Murray Pupils' Bk. I. Pp. 95. 1s. 4d. Teachers' Bk. I. Pp. 64. 2s. 6d. Pupils' Bk. II. Pp. 95. 1s. 6d. Teachers' Bk. II. Pp.62. 2s. 9d. 1940. (University of London Press)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1940 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: H. Webb

232. [K. 7. a. α.] A particle, attached to a fixed point by a string, moves in a vertical circle. If the string slackens, find where the particle meets the circle again

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1907 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: P. Scoones

Elementary Mechanics. By G. Goodwill ,B.Sc. With Preface by Professor F S. Carey . Pp. 230. 4s. 6d. 1912. (Clarenilon Press.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1913 in The Mathematical Gazette

1372. A Challenge

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1939 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: J. Travers

Repaying a loan by instalments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1977 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: C. W. Puritz

Index to the Mathematical Gazette

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in The Mathematical Gazette

MATPACK: material for transformation geometry and exploring the properties of matrices, by F. R. Watson. £10 (post free). 1987. (Keele Mathematical Educational Publications)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1988 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: J. Abram

The golden section, by Hans Walser (translated by Peter Hilton with the assistance of Jean Pedersen). Pp. 142. £17.95. 2001. ISBN 0 88385 534 8 (The Mathematical Association of America). - Symmetry, by Hans Walser (translated by Peter Hilton with the assistance of Jean Pedersen). Pp. 95. £15.95. 2001. ISBN 0 88385 532 1 (The Mathematical Association of America).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2003 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: Bud Winteridge

Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries (2nd ed), by Marvin Jay Greenberg. Pp 400. £9·80. 1980. ISBN 0-7167-1103-6 (Freeman)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 1982 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: David Singmaster

Notes on Operators

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1949 in The Mathematical Gazette

Authors: P T. Landsberg