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Electromechanical coupling of the Kv1.1 voltage-gated K+ channel is fine-tuned by the simplest amino acid residue in the S4-S5 linker

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2020 in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology

Research funded by University of Malta Research, Innovation & Development Trust (Grant n. I20LU08, BooKind E20LG42) | United Arab Emirates University (31M452 and 31M468)

Authors: Sonia Hasan | Alfredo Megaro | Marta Cenciarini | Lorena Coretti | Fabio Massimo Botti | Paola Imbrici | Harry W. M. Steinbusch | Therese Hunter | Gary Hunter | Mauro Pessia | Maria Cristina D’Adamo

On the cellular mechanism of the inotropic action of acetylcholine on isolated rabbit and dog atria

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1973 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: Andrzej Prokopczuk | Bohdan Lewartowski | Maria Czarnecka

Responses of purkinje cells of the cerebellar vermis to neck and macular vestibular inputs

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1979 in Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: F. Denoth | P. C. Magherini | O. Pompeiano | M. Stanojević

�ber die Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Coronardilatatoren durch die extracellul�re Calciumkonzentration (ein Beitrag zum Wirkungsmechanismus von Coronardilatatoren)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1972 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: F. Kosche | K. W. Raff | W. Lochner


JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1900 in Pflüger, Archiv für die Gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere

Authors: E. Pflüger

Spektrophotographische Untersuchungen über Urobilin

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1912 in Pflüger's, Archiv für die Gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere

Authors: L. Lewin | E. Stenger

Dual effects of calcium ions on pacemaker activity in guinea-pig taenia coli

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: J�rgen Reimer | Claus-J�rgen Mayer | Gerhard Ulbrecht

Die Regulation der Athmung bei Muskelthätigkeit

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1896 in Pflüger, Archiv für die Gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere

Authors: W. Filehne | H. Kionka

Activation of fine afferent units in the medial articular nerve by movements in the normal and inflamed knee joint

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1982 in Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: H. -G. Schaible | R. F. Schmidt

Intracellular Ca2+ injection causes membrane hyperpolarization and conductance increase in lacrimal acinar cells

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1978 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: Noriyuki Iwatsuki | Ole Holger Petersen

The identity of interstitial fluid and hilar lymph in the kidney

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1973 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: K. G�rtner | E. Banning | G. Vogel | M. Ulbrich

Postsynaptic actions of ethanol and methanol in crayfish neuromuscular junctions

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1984 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: W. Finger | H. Stettmeier

Time series analysis of spontaneous fluctuations of the flow in the perfused rat kidney

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1970 in Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: Erol Başar | Christoph Weiss

Functional assessment of three Rem residues identified as critical for interactions with Ca2+ channel β subunits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2015 in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology

Authors: Donald Beqollari | Christin F. Romberg | Dilyana Filipova | Symeon Papadopoulos | Roger A. Bannister

Old and emerging concepts on adrenal chromaffin cell stimulus-secretion coupling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2018 in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology

Research funded by Fondazione Telethon (GGP15110)

Authors: Ricardo Borges | Luis Gandía | Emilio Carbone

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca 2+ release in rat fast- and slow-twitch skinned muscle fibres

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 18 October 1999 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: S. Talon | C. Huchet-Cadiou | C. Léoty

Inhibition of force and shortening in smooth muscle by vanadate

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 June 1999 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: Å. Jaworowski | Necla Öztürk | A. Arner

Forskolin increases apical sodium conductance in cultured toad kidney cells (A6) by stimulating membrane insertion

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 June 1999 in Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Authors: David Erlij | Patrick De Smet | Dieter Mesotten | W. Van Driessche

Ist das für die Kaliumkontraktur nötige Calcium an spezialisierte Lagen gebunden?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1960 in Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere

Authors: H. Lorković

Quantitative Untersuchungen über den Wettstreit der Sehfelder

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1924 in Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere

Authors: Ernst Gellhorn | Charlotte Schöppe