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Frustrative nonreward theory applied to children's behavior.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1968 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Thomas J. Ryan | Peter Watson

Social judgment theory and the analysis of interpersonal conflict.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1976 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Berndt Brehmer

Human territoriality.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1974 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Julian J. Edney

The role of individual differences in field dependence as a factor in learning and memory.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1976 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Donald R. Goodenough

Order Information in Working Memory: An Integrative Review of Evidence From Brain and Behavior.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Christy Marshuetz

Inhibitory interactions between appetitive and aversive stimuli.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1977 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Anthony Dickinson | John M. Pearce

The family and schizophrenia.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1980 in Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Bulletin: Instructions to authors.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Psychological Bulletin

On the adequacy of current empirical evaluations of formal models of categorization.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2012 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Andy J. Wills | Emmanuel M. Pothos

What is meant by “growth mindset”? Current theory, measurement practices, and empirical results leave much open to interpretation: Commentary on Macnamara and Burgoyne (2023) and Burnette et al. (2023).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2023 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Veronica X. Yan | Brendan A. Schuetze

An introduction to the logic, assumptions, and basic analytic procedures of two-stage least squares.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1978 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Lawrence R. James | B. Krishna Singh

Phonetic trading relations and context effects: New experimental evidence for a speech mode of perception.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1982 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Bruno H. Repp

Equidistance tendency and its consequences.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 1965 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Walter C. Gogel

Can test statistics in covariance structure analysis be trusted?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Li-tze Hu | P. M. Bentler | Yutaka Kano

The total-time hypothesis in verbal learning.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1967 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Elaine H. Cooper | Allan J. Pantle

Psychological problems relevant to business and industry.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1959 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Mason Haire

Acquiescence and the factorial interpretation of the MMPI.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1961 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Samuel Messick | Douglas N. Jackson

Self-monitoring: Appraisal and reappraisal.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Steven W. Gangestad | Mark Snyder

Discussion: The Mental Life: A survey of modern experimental psychology.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1929 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Christian A. Ruckmick

Handwriting posture and cerebral organization: How are they related?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1982 in Psychological Bulletin

Authors: Jerre Levy