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Contextualising Beidha, Jordan, in the Southern Levantine PPNB: Communal architecture and chronology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2018 in Paléorient

Authors: Bill Finlayson | Cheryl A. Makarewicz

The Textile and Basketry Impressions from Jarmo

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1975 in Paléorient

Authors: James M. Adovasio

Alternative Approaches for Exploring Levantine Neolithic Architecture

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1989 in Paléorient

Authors: Edward B. Banning | Brian Franklin Byrd

Les importations d'obsidienne sur les sites des IXe-VIIe millénaires B.P. du Djebel Sinjar

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Paléorient

Authors: Nikolaï O. Bader | Nikolaï Ja. Merpert | Rauf M. Munchaev

Chemical Characterization of Local Anatolian and Uruk Style Sealing Clays from Hacinebi

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Paléorient

Authors: M. James Blackman

Objets dentés en os de Mureybet (Djézireh, Syrie), des phases Ib à III: 8400 à 7600 B.C.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1974 in Paléorient

Authors: Danielle Stordeur-Yedid

Tête sculptée dans le Néolithique pré-céramique de Shillourokambos (Parekklisha, Chypre).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Paléorient

Authors: Jean Guilaine

The Encultured Vulture: Late Chalcolithic sealing images and the challenges of urbanism in 4th millennium Northern Mesopotamia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2016 in Paléorient

Authors: Augusta McMahon

The Natufian Occupation of Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel - The Lithic Evidence

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Paléorient

Authors: Leore Grosman | Hila Ashkenazy | Anna Belfer-Cohen

A human figurine from a Khiamian site in the Lower Jordan Valley

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1980 in Paléorient

Authors: Ofer Bar-Yosef

New evidence for the Anatolian origins of ‘Khirbet Kerak Ware people’ at Tel Bet Yerah (Israel), ca 2800 BC

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Paléorient

Authors: Raphael Greenberg | Ron Shimelmitz | Mark Iserlis

Les Natoufiens du Nahal Oren (Ouadi Fallah). Etude anthropologique

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1974 in Paléorient

Authors: Emile Crognier | Martine Dupouy-Madre

Dental Evidence for Dietary Practices in the Chalcolithic Period : The Findings from a Burial Cave in Peqi'in (Northern Israel)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Paléorient

Authors: Netta Lev-Tov | Avi Gopher | Philip E. L. Smith

Neolithic skeletal remains at Yiftahel, Area C (Israel)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1986 in Paléorient

Authors: Israel Hershkovitz | Yosef Garfinkel | Baruch Arensburg

Neolithic Chipped Stone Technology at 'Ain Ghazal, Jordan : The Status of the PPNC Phase

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Paléorient

Authors: G. O. Rollefson

Synthèse Epipaléolithique

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1988 in Paléorient

Authors: F. R. Valla

Archaeology and Social History : the Susa Sealings, Ca. 4000 - 2340 B.C.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1988 in Paléorient

Authors: Petr Charvát

Plasters : Gypsum or Calcite ? A Preliminary Case Study of Syrian Plasters.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Paléorient

Authors: Lea Rehhoff | Peter A. Akkermans | Erik Leonardsen | Ingolf Thuesen

Human remains from Ein Gev I, Jordan Valley, Israel

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1973 in Paléorient

Authors: Baruch Arensburg | Ofer Bar-Yosef

Sedentism, the “point of non return”, and the Natufian issue. An historical perspective

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2018 in Paléorient

Authors: F. R. Valla