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Labwe (Syrie) : une ville du Bronze ancien du Levant Sud

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2006 in Paléorient

Authors: Michel Al Maqdissi | Frank Braemer

Considérations sur l'évolution de la Basse Mésopotamie au cours des derniers millénaires

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1989 in Paléorient

Authors: Paul Sanlaville

Paléodémographie et archéologie funéraire : les cimetières de Mehrgarh, Pakistan

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Paléorient

Authors: Pascal Sellier

Mesolithic Hunters at Kotias Klde, Western Georgia: Preliminary Results

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2007 in Paléorient

Authors: Tengiz Meshveliani | Guy Bar-Oz | Ofer Bar-Yosef | Anna Belfer-Cohen | Elisabetta Boaretto | Nino Jakeli | Irakli Koridze | Zinovi Matskevich

L'émergence des arts du feu : le traitement thermique des roches siliceuses

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2000 in Paléorient

Authors: Marie-Louise Inizan | Jacques Tixier

The Desert "Kites" of the Badiyat Esh-Sham and North Arabia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1987 in Paléorient

Authors: Svend W. Helms | Alison Betts

New Dimensions to the Epipalaeolithic of the Wadi el-Jilat in Central Jordan.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Paléorient

Authors: Andrew N. Garrard | Brian Franklin Byrd

Bronze Age Kfar Monash. Palestine – A Chemical and Lead Isotope Study into the Provenance of its Copper

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2011 in Paléorient

Authors: Andreas Hauptmann | Sigrid Schmitt-Strecker | Friedrich Begemann

Premières données parasitologiques sur les populations humaines précéramiques chypriotes (VIIIe et VIIe millénaires av. J.-C.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Paléorient

Authors: Stéphanie Harter-Lailheugue | Françoise Le Mort | Jean-Denis Vigne | Jean Guilaine | Alain Le Brun | Françoise Bouchet

Mapping ancient hunting installations on the Ustyurt Plateau, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan: New results from Remote Sensing Imagery

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Paléorient

Authors: Shamil S. Amirov | Alison Betts | Vadim N. Yagodin

Palaeolithic Sites in Northeastern Sinai

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1984 in Paléorient

Authors: I. Gilead

Les propriétés géochimiques des obsidiennes et la distinction des sources de Bingöl et du Nemrut Dag

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Paléorient

Authors: Christine Chataigner

Of mice and men. Biological markers for long-term sedentism : a reply

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1991 in Paléorient

Authors: Eitan Tchernov

Environmental Conditions and Farming Strategy of Protohistoric Inhabitants of South-Central Asia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Paléorient

Authors: A. Kasparov

Changing Patterns of Animal Utilization at Ancient Gordion

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Paléorient

Authors: Melinda A. Zeder | Susan R. Arter

Migratory Patterns in Early Nomadism : A Reconsideration of Tepe Tula'i.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Paléorient

Authors: Reinhard Bernbeck

The 1974 excavation of Hayonim terrace (Israel) : A brief report

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1974 in Paléorient

Authors: Don O. Henry | Simon Davis

A Comparative Statistical Analysis of Painted Pottery from Seven Halafian Sites

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1973 in Paléorient

Authors: Steven A. Leblanc | Patty. Jo Watson

Obsidian from Anatolian sources in the Neolithic of the Middle Euphrates region (Syria).

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Paléorient

Authors: Ernst Pernicka | Jörg Keller | Marie-Claire Cauvin

JOURNAL ISSUE published 3 December 2020 in Paléorient