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TU FU'S GEDICHTE (nach der Ausgabe des Chang Chin)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1938 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: E. von Zach

Wu Huiyi, Traduire la Chine au XVIIIe siècle: Les Jésuites traducteurs de textes chinois et le renouvellement des connaissances sur la Chine (1687 – ca. 1740). Littératures étrangères, Route de la soie, 3. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2017. 493 pp. Illustrations, Glossary, Appendices, Bibliography, Index. € 80 (PB). ISBN 978-2-7453-3182-3

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 January 2018 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Yves Vendé

Auxiliary Verbs and the A-Not-A Question in Amoy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1967 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Irene Teoh

Some Reflections on the Methodology of the Studies on Missionary Sinology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 July 2020 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Pan Feng-Chuan 潘鳳娟

The Chinese Examination Essay: Some Literary Considerations

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1974 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Ching-I Tu

A Continuity of Constraints on Orthographic Change: Chen Guangyao and Character Simplification

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1988 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Dayle Barnes

Une Stele Chinoise de L'epoque Mongole au Sud-Est de Ta-T'ong 大同 (Chansi-Nord)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1945 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Willem A. Grootaers

Postwar Japanese Studies on Chinese Archaeology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1959 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Gotō Kimpei

Ulrich Theobald, War Finance and Logistics in Late Imperial China: A Study of the Second Jinchuan Campaign (1771–1776). Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia, 1600–1900, 5. Leiden: Brill, 2013. xiii, 268 pp. Diagrams, Figures, Maps, Tables, Appendices, Bibliography, Glossary, Index. € 117 (HB). ISBN 978-90-04-25310-0

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 January 2020 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Hasegawa Masato

Traditional Sino-Korean Diplomatic Relations

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1965 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Hugh D. Walker

Social Origins of the Ming Dynasty 1351–1360

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1963 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Romeyn Taylor

Nasal and Stop Endings in Ancient Chinese

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1970 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Mantarō J. Hashimoto 橋本萬太郎

Notes sur l'histoire ancienne du christianisme en Extrême-Orient

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1935 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Henri Bernard


JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2011 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Tereza Sena

La Bibliotheque Chinoise du Pet'ang

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1940 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: H. Verhaeren

The Original Meaning of the Yijing: Commentary on the Scripture of Change

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 July 2020 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Hon Tze-ki

Book Reviews

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1984 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: H. Busch | Antonio Sisto Rosso | Michael Pollak | Heiner Roetz | J. Kuepers | Albert Chan | Roman Malek | G. L. Mattos | Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer | Eugen Feifel | Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer | Eugen Feifel | Stephan v. Minden | Monika Motsch | Michael Weiers | Hartmut Scharfe | Michael Weiers | Pentti Aalto | Michael Underdown | Michael Weiers | Pentti Aalto | C.R. Bawden | Hartmut Walravens | Michael Weiers | Michael Underdown | Rob Linrothe | A. v. Gabain | Peter Knecht

Heinrich Geiger, Den Duft hören: Natur, Naturbegriff und Umweltverhalten in China. Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, 2019. 307 S. Abbildungen, Register, Literaturverzeichnis. € 28 (HB). ISBN 978-3-95757-550-0

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 January 2020 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Thomas Zimmer


JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Bo Ærenlund Sørensen

“Bao wei quan” 保位權, Chapter 20 of theChunqiu fanlu春秋繁露

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 January 2016 in Monumenta Serica

Authors: Ivana Buljan