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Body image dissatisfaction among women with scleroderma: Extent and relationship to psychosocial function.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Health Psychology

Authors: Lisa M. Benrud-Larson | Leslie J. Heinberg | Christy Boling | Jeffrey Reed | Barbara White | Fredrick M. Wigley | Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite

Health Psychology: Members of underrepresented groups.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Health Psychology

High school students' perceptions of AIDS risk: Realistic appraisal or motivated denial?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Health Psychology

Authors: Madeline M. Gladis | John L. Michela | Heather J. Walter | Roger D. Vaughan

Comparison of the Matthews Youth Test for Health and the Hunter-Wolf A-B Rating Scale: Measures of Type A behavior in children.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1987 in Health Psychology

Authors: Christine Jackson | Douglas W. Levine

Syndrome-specific descriptor profiling: A psychophysiological and psychophysical approach.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1987 in Health Psychology

Authors: Larry D. Jamner | Bernard Tursky

Psychosocial factors in sunbathing and sunscreen use.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1987 in Health Psychology

Authors: Barbara Keesling | Howard S. Friedman

The synergistic effect of smoking and serum cholesterol on coronary heart disease.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1985 in Health Psychology

Authors: Kenneth A. Perkins

Depressed versus nondepressed young adult tobacco users: Differences in coping style, weight concerns and exercise level.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2003 in Health Psychology

Authors: Kristin S. Vickers | Christi A. Patten | Kristi Lane | Matthew M. Clark | Ivana T. Croghan | Darrell R. Schroeder | Richard D. Hurt

Self- and spouse ratings of anger and hostility as predictors of coronary heart disease.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1993 in Health Psychology

Authors: Richard C. Kneip | Alan M. Delamater | Timothy Ismond | Creigh Milford | Leonard Salvia | David Schwartz

Depression and self-medication with nicotine: The modifying influence of the dopamine D4 receptor gene.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Health Psychology

Authors: Caryn Lerman | Neil Caporaso | David Main | Janet Audrain | Neal R. Boyd | Elise D. Bowman | Peter G. Shields

The changing workforce: The role of health psychology.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Health Psychology

Authors: Robert G. Frank | Michael J. Ross

Perceiving AIDS-related risk: Accuracy as a function of differences in actual risk.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1994 in Health Psychology

Authors: Frank W. van der Velde | Joop van der Pligt | Christa Hooykaas

Older adults' recovery from surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee: Psychosocial resources and constraints as predictors of outcomes.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Health Psychology

Authors: Mary Ann Parris Stephens | Jennifer Ann Druley | Alex J. Zautra

An investigation of the validity of the Quality of Well-Being scale with pediatric oncology patients.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1993 in Health Psychology

Authors: Andrew S. Bradlyn | Carole V. Harris | Jody E. Warner | A. Kim Ritchey | Karen Zaboy

Evaluation of the validity of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (CUSES) in young men using two behavioral simulations.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Health Psychology

Authors: Andrew D. Forsyth | Michael P. Carey | R. Wayne Fuqua

Young women's condom use: The influence of acceptance of sexuality, control over the sexual encounter, and perceived susceptibility to common STDs.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1997 in Health Psychology

Authors: Angela D. Bryan | Leona S. Aiken | Stephen G. West

Social influence, marriage, and the heart: Cardiovascular consequences of interpersonal control in husbands and wives.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Health Psychology

Authors: Peter C. Brown | Timothy W. Smith

Persistent symptoms among survivors of Hodgkin's disease: An explanatory model based on classical conditioning.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2001 in Health Psychology

Authors: Christine L. Cameron | David Cella | James E. Herndon | Alice B. Kornblith | Enid Zukerman | Edward Henderson | Raymond B. Weiss | M. Robert Cooper | Richard T. Silver | Louis Leone | George P. Canellos | Bruce A. Peterson | Jimmie C. Holland

Knowledge and beliefs regarding the consequences of cigarette smoking and their relationships to smoking status in a biracial sample.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1988 in Health Psychology

Authors: Robert C. Klesges | Grant Somes | Randy W. Pascale | Lisa M. Klesges | Michael Murphy | Kendra Brown | Ellen Williams

Magical thinking about illness virulence: Conceptions of germs from "safe" versus "dangerous" others.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Health Psychology

Authors: Carol J. Nemeroff