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A Dictionary of Marxist Thought

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1985 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Thomas Rutman | Tom Bottomore

One Union in Wood: A Political History of the International Woodworkers of America

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1986 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Stephen Gray | Jerry Lembcke | William Tattum

Taking the Veil: An Alternative to Marriage, Motherhood, and Spinsterhood in Quebec, 1840-1920

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1989 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Chad Gaffield | Marta Danylewycz | Paul-André Linteau | Alison Prentice | William Westfall

Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Norman Caulfield | Jonathan C. Brown

Separate Spheres: Women's Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Steve Penfold | Janet Guildford | Suzanne Morton

Through the Eye of the Needle: Immigrants and Enterprise in New York's Garment Trades

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1988 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Mercedes Steedman | Roger D. Waldinger

So Close to the State/s: The Emergence of Canadian Feature Film Policy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2001 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Marco Adria | Michael Dorland

Under Attack, Fighting Back: Women and Welfare in the United States

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Stephen Pimpare | Mimi Abramovitz

Why I Left Canada: Reflections on Science and Politics

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1981 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Chandler Davis | Leopold Infeld | Helen Infeld | Lewis Pyenson

The Politics of U.S. Labor from the Great Depression to the New Deal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1985 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Lawrence T. McDonnell | David Milton

Et si l'amour ne suffisait pas... Femmes, familles et adultes dépendants

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1993 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Renée B.-Dandurand | N. Guberman | P. Maheu | C. Maillé

Profits "Über Alles!" American Corporations and Hitler

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Jacques R. Pauwels | Edwin Black | Walter Hofer | Herbert R. Reginbogin | Reinhold Billstein | Karola Fings | Anita Kugler | Nicholas Levis

Les ouvrières de Dominion Corset à Québec, 1886-1988

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Denyse Baillargeon | Jean Du Berger | Jacques Mathieu

Stacking the Deck: The Streaming of Working-Class Kids in Ontario Schools

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Ruth Gamberg | B. Curtis | D. W. Livingstone | H. Smaller

Agenda for Reform: The Future of Employment Relationships and the Law

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1995 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Donald D. Carter | William B. Gould,

Apartheid's Rebels: Inside South Africa's Hidden War

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Jonathan Crush | Stephen M. Davis

Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism since the New Deal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1999 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Robert Storey | Sanford Jacoby

'We Always Had Things to Do': The Paid and Unpaid Work of Anglophone Children between the 1920s and the 1960s

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Neil Sutherland

Collectif, Grève des stages, grèves des femmes. Anthologie d’une lutte féministe pour un salaire étudiant (2016–2019), (Montréal : Les Éditions du remue-ménage, 2021)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 25 November 2022 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Morgane Kuehni

The Labour Party and Taxation: Party Identity and Political Purpose in Twentieth-Century Britain

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2002 in Labour / Le Travail

Authors: Richard Toye | Richard Whiting