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Solving the dilemma of antimycobacterial chemotherapy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: N. Rastogi | J.O. Falkinham

Index of articles published

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1998 in Research in Microbiology

Index of key-words

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1998 in Research in Microbiology

Ribosomal drug resistance in mycobacteria

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: P. Sander | A. Meier | E.C. Böttger

Treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease: a clinician's perspective

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: C.A. Benson

Index of Authors

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1998 in Research in Microbiology

Response regulators: structure, function and evolution

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: G.M. Pao | R. Tam | L.S. Lipschitz | M.H. Saier,

The DegS/DegU and ComP/ComA two-component systems are part of a network controlling degradative enzyme synthesis and competence in Bacillus subtilis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: F. Kunst | T. Msadek | J. Bignon | G. Rapoport

Molecular relationship of an atypical Azospirillum strain 4T to other Azospirillum species

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: J. Haurat | D. Faure | R. Bally | P. Normand

Host recognition by the VirA, VirG two-component regulatory proteins of Agrobacterium tumefaciens

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1994 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: S.C. Winans | N.J. Mantis | Chin-Yi Chen | Chia-Hwa Chang

Amplification of a particular DNA sequence in Streptomyces ambofaciens RP181110 reversibly prevents spiramycin production

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: A Dary | N Bourget | N Girard | J-M Simonet | B Decaris

Identification of a lacZ gene in Vibrio cholerae

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1992 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: C Parsot

The genetics of multiple drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Mycobacterium avium complex

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1996 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: S.L. Morris | D.A. Rouse

Books received

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1998 in Research in Microbiology

Identification of salivary Lactobacillus rhamnosus species by DNA profiling and a specific probe

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2001 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: Béatrice Richard | Agnès Groisillier | Cécile Badet | Georges Dorignac | Aline Lonvaud-Funel

A tribute to Cécile Wandersman

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2015 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: Philippe Delepelaire | Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre | Muriel Delepierre | Jean-Marc Ghigo | Maxime Schwartz

Merci François Jacob

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2014 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: René Thomas

How François Jacob bridged the gap between the “two cultures”

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2014 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: Michel Morange

Editorial board

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2015 in Research in Microbiology

François le "Commandeur"

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2014 in Research in Microbiology

Authors: Marc Fellous | Arlette Fellous