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Clinical presentation of secondary infectious complications in COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit treated with tocilizumab or standard of care

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Lucia Taramasso | Laura Magnasco | Federica Portunato | Federica Briano | Antonio Vena | Daniele R. Giacobbe | Chiara Dentone | Chiara Robba | Lorenzo Ball | Maurizio Loconte | Nicolò Patroniti | Paolo Frisoni | Raffaele D'Angelo | Silvia Dettori | Malgorzata Mikulska | Paolo Pelosi | Matteo Bassetti

Safety of apixaban and rivaroxaban in patients with atrial fibrillation on hemodialysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2024 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Hiroshi Ito

Deep vein thrombosis symptoms and 30-day mortality in acute pulmonary embolism

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2023 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Álvaro Dubois-Silva | Cristina Barbagelata-López | Patricia Piñeiro-Parga | Luciano López-Jiménez | Antoni Riera-Mestre | Sebastian Schellong | Judith Catella | Marijan Bosevski | Mireia Roca Toledo | Manuel Monreal

Parenteral routes for opioid administration in cancer pain management

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2016 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Sebastiano Mercadante

Hyperammonemic encephalopathy caused by urinary tract infection with urinary retention

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2008 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Shoichiro Sato | Chiaki Yokota | Kazunori Toyoda | Masaki Naganuma | Kazuo Minematsu

A new standardized data collection system for interdisciplinary thyroid cancer management: Thyroid COBRA

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2018 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Luca Tagliaferri | Carlo Gobitti | Giuseppe Ferdinando Colloca | Luca Boldrini | Eleonora Farina | Carlo Furlan | Fabiola Paiar | Federica Vianello | Michela Basso | Lorenzo Cerizza | Fabio Monari | Gabriele Simontacchi | Maria Antonietta Gambacorta | Jacopo Lenkowicz | Nicola Dinapoli | Vito Lanzotti | Renzo Mazzarotto | Elvio Russi | Monica Mangoni

How many urinalysis and urine cultures are necessary?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2021 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Research funded by Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (8392010022)

Authors: Bart J. Laan | Tessa M.Z.X.K. van Horrik | Prabath W.B. Nanayakkara | Suzanne E. Geerlings

Vasodilators in acute heart failure - evidence based on new studies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2018 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: André M. Travessa | L. Menezes Falcão

The risk of recurrent thromboembolic disorders in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism: New scenarios and opportunities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2014 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Paolo Prandoni | Sofia Barbar | Marta Milan | Valentina Vedovetto | Raffaele Pesavento

A physician charter on medical professionalism: a challenge for medical education

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2004 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Alan B. Jotkowitz | Shimon Glick | Avi Porath

Sex-specific outcomes and management in critically ill septic patients

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2021 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Bernhard Wernly | Raphael Romano Bruno | Behrooz Mamandipoor | Christian Jung | Venet Osmani

Dental enamel defects in adult coeliac disease: Prevalence and correlation with symptoms and age at diagnosis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2013 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Lucia Trotta | Federico Biagi | Paola I. Bianchi | Alessandra Marchese | Claudia Vattiato | Davide Balduzzi | Vittorio Collesano | Gino R. Corazza

The importance of the costoclavicular space in upper limb primary deep vein thrombosis, a study with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique enhanced by a blood pool agent

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2014 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Thomas Arnhjort | Jonas Nordberg | Martin Delle | Carl-Johan Borgis | Stefan Rosfors | Gerd Lärfars

Influence of the length of hospitalisation in post-discharge outcomes in patients with acute heart failure: Results of the LOHRCA study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2019 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Research funded by Spanish Ministry of Health and FEDER (PI15/01019,PI15/00773,PI18/00393,PI18/00456) | Catalonia Government (SGR 2009/1385,2014/0313,2017/1424) | Fundació La Marató de TV3 (2015/2510)

Authors: Òscar Miró | Joan Padrosa | Koji Takagi | Étienne Gayat | Víctor Gil | Pere Llorens | Francisco Javier Martín-Sánchez | Pablo Herrero-Puente | Javier Jacob | María Mir Montero | Josep Tost | María Pilar López Díez | Lissete Traveria | Raquel Torres-Gárate | María Isabel Alonso | Carmen Agüera | Amparo Valero | Patricia Javaloyes | W. Frank Peacock | Héctor Bueno | Alexandre Mebazaa | Marta Fuentes | Cristina Gil | Héctor Alonso | Pablo Garmila | Guillermo Llopis García | María Cecilia Yáñez-Palma | Sergio Iglesias López | Rosa Escoda | Carolina Xipell | Carolina Sánchez | Josep María Gaytan | María José Pérez-Durá | Eva Salvo | José Pavón | Antonio Noval | José Manuel Torres | María Luisa López-Grima | Amparo Valero | Marian Ángeles Juan | Alfons Aguirre | Julián Errasti Morales | Silvia Mínguez Masó | María Isabel Alonso | Francisco Ruiz | José Miguel Franco | Ana Belén Mecina | Josep Tost | Susana Sánchez | Virginia Carbajosa | Pascual Piñera | José Andrés Sánchez Nicolás | Raquel Torres Garate | Aitor Alquezar | Miguel Alberto Rizzi | Sergio Herrera | Alex Roset | Irene Cabello | Fernando Richard | José María Álvarez Pérez | María Pilar López Diez | Joaquín Vázquez Álvarez | Belén Prieto García | María García García yMarta Sánchez González | Patricia Javaloyes | Víctor Marquina | Inmaculada Jiménez | Néstor Hernández | Benjamín Brouzet | Sergio Ramos | Ana López | Juan Antonio Andueza | Rodolfo Romero | Martín Ruíz | Roberto Calvache | María Teresa Lorca | Luis Calderón | Beatriz Amores Arriaga | Beatriz Sierra | Enrique Martín Mojarro | Lisette Travería Bécquer | Guillermo Burillo | Lluís Llauger García | Gerard Corominas LaSalle | Carmen Agüera Urbano | Ana Belén García Soto | Elisa Delgado Padial | Ester Soy Ferrer | Manuel Garrido | Francisco Javier Lucas | Rut Gaya | Carlos Bibiano | María Mir | Beatriz Rodríguez | Natalia Sánchez | José Luis Carballo | Esther Rodríguez-Adrada | Belén Rodríguez

Comment to: Non-specific clinical presentations are not prognostic and do not anticipate hospital length of stay or resource utilization

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2021 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Roland Bingisser | Noemi R. Simon | Christian H. Nickel


JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2008 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: M. Picca | F. Agozzino | G.C. Pelosi

P421 Prophylaxis of deep venous thrombosis after the implementation of guideline dissemination strategies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2003 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: R. Vallone | M. Quezel | C. Martinez Sagasta | J. Bruetman | N. Emery

Agents with antialdosterone properties should be the preferred diuretics for reducing hypertension related atrial fibrillation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2010 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Oscar M.P. Jolobe

P381 Severity assessment of community acquired pneumonia admitted to an internal medicine ward

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2003 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: F. Tavares | M. Fonseca | T. Berger | V. Marujo | C. Ferreira

Minimal portosystemic encephalopathy: A new nosological entity in patients with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2021 in European Journal of Internal Medicine

Authors: Michele Barone | Patrizia Suppressa | Maria Teresa Viggiani | Gennaro Mariano Lenato | Arnaldo Scardapane | Luigi Chiumarulo | Nicola Ambrosini | Alfredo Di Leo | Carlo Sabbà