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Computer-based three-dimensional visualization of developmental gene expression

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2000 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Johannes Streicher | Markus A. Donat | Bernhard Strauss | Ralf Spörle | Klaus Schughart | Gerd B. Müller

Author Correction: Mutations in PYCR1 cause cutis laxa with progeroid features

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2022 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Bruno Reversade | Nathalie Escande-Beillard | Aikaterini Dimopoulou | Björn Fischer | Serene C. Chng | Yun Li | Mohammad Shboul | Puay-Yoke Tham | Hülya Kayserili | Lihadh Al-Gazali | Monzer Shahwan | Francesco Brancati | Hane Lee | Brian D. O’Connor | Mareen Schmidt-von Kegler | Barry Merriman | Stanley F. Nelson | Amira Masri | Fawaz Alkazaleh | Deanna Guerra | Paola Ferrari | Arti Nanda | Anna Rajab | David Markie | Mary Gray | John Nelson | Arthur Grix | Annemarie Sommer | Ravi Savarirayan | Andreas R. Janecke | Elisabeth Steichen | David Sillence | Ingrid Haußer | Birgit Budde | Gudrun Nürnberg | Peter Nürnberg | Petra Seemann | Désirée Kunkel | Giovanna Zambruno | Bruno Dallapiccola | Markus Schuelke | Stephen Robertson | Hanan Hamamy | Bernd Wollnik | Lionel Van Maldergem | Stefan Mundlos | Uwe Kornak

Dysregulated expression of androgen-responsive and nonresponsive genes in the androgen-independent prostate cancer xenograft model, CWR22-R

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2001 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Lukas Amler | David Agus | Carrie LeDuc | Lisa Sapinoso | William Fox | Suzanne Kern | Dori Lee | Vivian Wang | Mauri Leysens | Brian Higgins | Jason Martin | William Herald | Nicholas Dracopoli | Carlos Cordon-Cardo | Howard Scher | Garret Hampton

Identifying critical cell types and gene regulatory pathways for hair and skin disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2023 in Nature Genetics

Quantifying fitness effects and mutation rates of mCAs in blood

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2023 in Nature Genetics

Sex–determining genes on mouse autosomes identified by linkage analysis of C57BL/6J–YPOS sex reversal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1996 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Eva M. Eicher | Linda L. Washburn | Nicholas J. Schork | Barbara K. Lee | Elaine P. Shown | Xiaoling Xu | Robert D. Dredge | M. Todeane Pringle | David C. Page

Peroxisome assembly factor–2, a putative ATPase cloned by functional complementation on a peroxisome–deficient mammalian cell mutant

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1995 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Toshiro Tsukamoto | Satoshi Miura | Toshiki Nakai | Sadaki Yokota | Nobuyuki Shimozawa | Yasuyuki Suzuki | Tadao Orii | Yukio Fujiki | Fumie Sakai | Akemi Bogaki | Hiroaki Yasumo | Takashi Osumi

Sry requires a CAG repeat domain for male sex determination in Mus musculus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1999 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Josephine Bowles | Leanne Cooper | Jennifer Berkman | Peter Koopman

Genomic scanning for expressed sequences in Xp21 identifies the glycerol kinase gene

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1993 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Weiwen Guo | Kim Worley | Volker Adams | Jestina Mason | Desirée Sylvester-Jackson | Yao-Hua Zhang | Jeffrey A. Towbin | Donna D. Fogt | Stella Madu | David A. Wheeler | Edward R.B. McCabe

Rare-variant genetic architecture

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2023 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Wei Li

Sizing up whole-genome sequencing studies of common diseases

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2018 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Naomi R. Wray | Jacob Gratten

Xq–Yq interchange resulting in supernormal X-linked gene expression in severely retarded males with 46,XYq- karyotype

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1994 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Bruce T. Lahn | Nancy Ma | W. Roy Breg | Robert Stratton | Urvashi Surti | David C. Page

Erratum: Corrigendum: Mutations in SNORD118 cause the cerebral microangiopathy leukoencephalopathy with calcifications and cysts

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2017 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Emma M Jenkinson | Mathieu P Rodero | Paul R Kasher | Carolina Uggenti | Anthony Oojageer | Laurence C Goosey | Yoann Rose | Christopher J Kershaw | Jill E Urquhart | Simon G Williams | Sanjeev S Bhaskar | James O'Sullivan | Gabriela M Baerlocher | Monika Haubitz | Geraldine Aubert | Kristin W Barañano | Angela J Barnicoat | Roberta Battini | Andrea Berger | Edward M Blair | Janice E Brunstrom-Hernandez | Johannes A Buckard | David M Cassiman | Rosaline Caumes | Duccio M Cordelli | Liesbeth M De Waele | Alexander J Fay | Patrick Ferreira | Nicholas A Fletcher | Alan E Fryer | Himanshu Goel | Cheryl A Hemingway | Marco Henneke | Imelda Hughes | Rosalind J Jefferson | Ram Kumar | Lieven Lagae | Pierre G Landrieu | Charles M Lourenço | Timothy J Malpas | Sarju G Mehta | Imke Metz | Sakkubai Naidu | Katrin Õunap | Axel Panzer | Prab Prabhakar | Gerardine Quaghebeur | Raphael Schiffmann | Elliott H Sherr | Kanaga R Sinnathuray | Calvin Soh | Helen S Stewart | John Stone | Hilde Van Esch | Christine E G Van Mol | Adeline Vanderver | Emma L Wakeling | Andrea Whitney | Graham D Pavitt | Sam Griffiths-Jones | Gillian I Rice | Patrick Revy | Marjo S van der Knaap | John H Livingston | Raymond T O'Keefe | Yanick J Crow

Human somatic cell mutagenesis creates genetically tractable sarcomas

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2014 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Sam D Molyneux | Paul D Waterhouse | Dawne Shelton | Yang W Shao | Christopher M Watling | Qing-Lian Tang | Isaac S Harris | Brendan C Dickson | Pirashaanthy Tharmapalan | Geir K Sandve | Xiaoyang Zhang | Swneke D Bailey | Hal Berman | Jay S Wunder | Zsuzsanna Izsvák | Mathieu Lupien | Tak W Mak | Rama Khokha

In vivo RNAi screening identifies regulators of actin dynamics as key determinants of lymphoma progression

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2009 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Corbin E Meacham | Emily E Ho | Esther Dubrovsky | Frank B Gertler | Michael T Hemann

Mutations in RGR, encoding a light-sensitive opsin homologue, in patients with retinitis pigmentosa

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1999 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Hiroyuki Morimura | Florence Saindelle-Ribeaudeau | Eliot L Berson | Thaddeus P Dryja

Identifying individuals by sequencing mitochondrial DNA from teeth

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1992 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Charles Ginther | Laurie Issel-Tarver | Mary-Claire King

p53 partners with RNA in the DNA damage response

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2016 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Maite Huarte

Next-generation association studies for complex traits

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2011 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Eleftheria Zeggini

Loci at chromosomes 13, 19 and 20 influence age at natural menopause

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2009 in Nature Genetics

Authors: Lisette Stolk | Guangju Zhai | Joyce B J van Meurs | Michael M P J Verbiest | Jenny A Visser | Karol Estrada | Fernando Rivadeneira | Frances M Williams | Lynn Cherkas | Panos Deloukas | Nicole Soranzo | Jules J de Keyzer | Victor J M Pop | Paul Lips | Corinne E I Lebrun | Yvonne T van der Schouw | Diederick E Grobbee | Jacqueline Witteman | Albert Hofman | Huibert A P Pols | Joop S E Laven | Tim D Spector | André G Uitterlinden