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Voluntary work and the relationship with unemployment, health, and well-being: A two-year follow-up study contrasting a materialistic and psychosocial pathway perspective.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Yannick Griep | Martin Hyde | Tim Vantilborgh | Jemima Bidee | Hans De Witte | Roland Pepermans

Development and validation of a measure of workplace climate for healthy weight maintenance.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2013 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Research funded by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (T42/OH008432-06)

Authors: Katherine A. Sliter

Need satisfaction at work, job strain, and performance: A diary study.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2018 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Sara De Gieter | Joeri Hofmans | Arnold B. Bakker

Antecedents and outcomes of a fourfold taxonomy of work-family balance in Chinese employed parents.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2009 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (70402014)

Authors: Jia-Fang Lu | Oi-Ling Siu | Paul E. Spector | Kan Shi

Work event experiences: Implications of an expanded taxonomy for understanding daily well-being.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2021 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Gudrun Reindl | Jonas W. B. Lang | J. Malte Runge

Expanding the Psychosocial Work Environment: Workplace Norms and Work-Family Conflict as Correlates of Stress and Health.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2004 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Tove Helland Hammer | Per Øystein Saksvik | Kjell Nytrø | Hans Torvatn | Mahmut Bayazit

Predictors of overall and on-the-job substance use among young workers.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2003 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Michael R. Frone

Development and initial validation of a measure of work, family, and school conflict.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Kristine J. Olson

The impact of employee assistance services on workplace outcomes: Results of a prospective, quasi-experimental study.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2017 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Melissa K. Richmond | Fred C. Pampel | Randi C. Wood | Ana P. Nunes

Bus operators’ responses to job strain: An experimental test of the job demand–control model.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2017 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Boris Cendales-Ayala | Sergio Alejandro Useche | Viviola Gómez-Ortiz | Juan Pablo Bocarejo

Worksite intervention effects on sleep quality: A randomized controlled trial.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2006 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Evan Atlantis | Chin-Moi Chow | Adrienne Kirby | Maria A. Fiatarone Singh

Is it better to receive than to give? Empathy in the conflict–distress relationship.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2010 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Merideth Ferguson | Dawn Carlson | Suzanne Zivnuska | Dwayne Whitten

Ostracism, attributions, and their relationships with international students’ and employees’ outcomes: The moderating effect of perceived harming intent.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2019 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Cong Liu

Psychophysiologic sensitization to headlight glare among professional drivers with and without cardiovascular disease.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: R. Emdad | K. Belkic | T. Theorell | S. Cizinsky | C. Savic | K. Olsson

Stressors and adverse outcomes for female construction workers.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Linda M. Goldenhar | Naomi G. Swanson | Joseph J. Hurrell | Avima Ruder | James Deddens

The impact of early and late shift changeovers on sleep, health, and well-being in 8- and 12-hour shift systems.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1998 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Philip Tucker | Ian Macdonald | Simon Folkard | Lawrence Smith

How work and family can facilitate each other: Distinct types of work-family facilitation and outcomes for women and men.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2007 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Elianne F. van Steenbergen | Naomi Ellemers | Ab Mooijaart

Managers as role models for health: Moderators of the relationship of transformational leadership with employee exhaustion and cynicism.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 2017 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Caroline Kranabetter | Cornelia Niessen

Daily job demands and employee work engagement: The role of daily transformational leadership behavior.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2018 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Kimberley Breevaart | Arnold B. Bakker

Moderators of the Relationship Between Long Work Hours and Health.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2005 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Authors: Philip Tucker | Celia Rutherford