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Diversification and evolution of the avirulence gene AVR-Pita1 in field isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Yuntao Dai | Yulin Jia | James Correll | Xueyan Wang | Yanli Wang

Evidence for the absence of meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA in Neurospora tetrasperma

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2008 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by National Science Foundation (MCB-0417282) | National Institutes of Health (GM35690)

Authors: David J. Jacobson | Namboori B. Raju | Michael Freitag

Functional analysis of the fungal/plant class chitinase family in Aspergillus fumigatus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2011 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Laura Alcazar-Fuoli | Cécile Clavaud | Claude Lamarre | Vishukumar Aimanianda | Verena Seidl-Seiboth | Emilia Mellado | Jean-Paul Latgé

Cross-talk between light and glucose regulation controls toxin production and morphogenesis in Aspergillus nidulans

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by National Institutes of Health (1R15 A1081232-01)

Authors: A. Atoui | C. Kastner | C.M. Larey | R. Thokala | O. Etxebeste | E.A. Espeso | R. Fischer | A.M. Calvo

Amino acid divergence between the CHS domain contributes to the different intracellular behaviour of Family II fungal chitin synthases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2010 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Cristina Jimenez | Carlos Sacristan | M. Isabel G. Roncero | Cesar Roncero

Drafting Penicillium oxalicum calcineurin-CrzA pathway by combining the analysis of phenotype, transcriptome, and endogenous protein–protein interactions

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2022 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31971387,32070077) | Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation (ZR2019MC007,ZR2019ZD19) | National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFA0900500)

Authors: Kaili Zhao | Zhongjiao Liu | Mengxue Li | Yueyan Hu | Ling Yang | Xin Song | Yuqi Qin

Clonality and host selection in the wheat pathogenic fungus Puccinia triticina

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2007 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Henriette Goyeau | Fabien Halkett | Marie-Françoise Zapater | Jean Carlier | Christian Lannou

Distribution of NRPS gene families within the Neotyphodium/Epichloë complex

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2007 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by Asia New Zealand Foundation (C10X0203)

Authors: Richard Johnson | Christine Voisey | Linda Johnson | Jennifer Pratt | Damien Fleetwood | Anar Khan | Gregory Bryan

Specificity of commercial anti-spectrin antibody in the study of fungal and Oomycete spectrin: Cross-reaction with proteins other than spectrin

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2008 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Marta Cotado-Sampayo | Pilar Okenve Ramos | Rubén Ortega Perez | Mukti Ojha | François Barja

Candida albicans CHT3 encodes the functional homolog of the Cts1 chitinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2005 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Alexander Dünkler | Andrea Walther | Charles A. Specht | Jürgen Wendland

Blue Light Regulation inNeurospora crassa

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 1997 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: H. Linden | P. Ballario | G. Macino

Variation in the fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster in fumonisin-producing and nonproducing black aspergilli

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2014 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Antonia Susca | Robert H. Proctor | Robert A.E. Butchko | Miriam Haidukowski | Gaetano Stea | Antonio Logrieco | Antonio Moretti

Genetics and QTL mapping of somatic incompatibility and intraspecific interactions in the basidiomycete Heterobasidion annosum s.l.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2007 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Mårten Lind | Jan Stenlid | Åke Olson

Vacuolar H+-ATPase plays a key role in cell wall biosynthesis of Aspergillus niger

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2012 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Doreen Schachtschabel | Mark Arentshorst | Ellen L. Lagendijk | Arthur F.J. Ram

The Complete DNA Sequence of the Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Gene Complex of Verticillium dahliae: Intraspecific Heterogeneity within the Intergenic Spacer Region

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2000 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Paraskevi V. Pramateftaki | Polymnia P. Antoniou | Milton A. Typas

Metabolic Pathway Gene Clusters in Filamentous Fungi

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 1997 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Nancy P. Keller | Thomas M. Hohn

Molecular cloning and characterization of WdTUP1, a gene that encodes a potential transcriptional repressor important for yeast-hyphal transitions in Wangiella (Exophiala) dermatitidis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2008 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Hongbo Liu | Dariusz Abramczyk | Chester R. Cooper | Li Zheng | Changwon Park | Paul J. Szaniszlo

Contig assembly and microsynteny analysis using a bacterial artificial chromosome library for Epichloë festucae, a mutualistic fungal endophyte of grasses

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2004 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Authors: Brandi L Kutil | Gang Liu | Julia Vrebalov | Heather H Wilkinson

A defect of LigD (human Lig4 homolog) for nonhomologous end joining significantly improves efficiency of gene-targeting in Aspergillus oryzae

JOURNAL ARTICLE published June 2008 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (18370001)

Authors: Osamu Mizutani | Youhei Kudo | Akemi Saito | Tomomi Matsuura | Hirokazu Inoue | Keietsu Abe | Katsuya Gomi

Gene expression shifts during perithecium development in Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum), with particular emphasis on ion transport proteins

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2007 in Fungal Genetics and Biology

Research funded by Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (2004-35604-14327)

Authors: Heather E. Hallen | Marianne Huebner | Shin-Han Shiu | Ulrich Güldener | Frances Trail