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(Re) construction of historical memory: identity and urban re-valuation of the first Diagonal in Chile

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2 October 2022 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Andrea Fernández-Covarrubias | Emilio Reyes-Schade | Samuel E. Padilla-Llano | Ayman Imam

Street Art and Intangible Heritage: a contextualising approach to public art in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in on the w@terfront

Imbricación urbana del movimiento: continuidad, accesibilidad y estructuración en el Sistema de Tranvía de Ayacucho, Medellín

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 January 2022 in on the w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Emilio Reyes-Schade | Katheryn Gutiérrez-Torres | Padilla-Llano Samuel Esteban

La Mujer Construye. ‘Arquitectura Na Periferia’

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 July 2021 in on the w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Mónica Enriqueta Álvarez Domínguez | Angelique Trachana

Programas Integrales Urbano-Sociales PIUS y Casa Analco FABUAP. Dos proyectos en la periferia y el centro de la ciudad en búsqueda de la participación ciudadana

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 25 June 2021 in on the w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Adriana Hernández Sánchez

Turó de la Peira/ Can Peguera. Nou Barris (Barcelona) Construcción de un espacio público para todos

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 23 May 2020 in on the w terfront

Authors: Tatiana C. Chávez

Minerva en la Pampa, Sarmiento en el templo. Bibliotecas populares e historicismo arquitectónico en el sudoeste bonaerense a principios del siglo XX.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 29 March 2020 in on the w terfront

Authors: Maria de la Nieves Agesta

¿Arte urbano antes de los tres años?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 22 May 2023 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Maria Fusté Forné

Dar vida a las azoteas: luces y sombras desde la mirada de las comunidades de vecinos. El caso del distrito de Ciutat Vella (Barcelona)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 September 2023 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Ana Belén Cano-Hila | Montserrat Simó-Solsona | Joel Oliveras Lorente | Marc Pradel Miquel

The image of contemporary architecture of Wrocław depicted in recent tourist commercial and Internet media

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 September 2021 in w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Natalia Bursiewicz

La Prosperitat. Nou Barris (Barcelona) Construcción del espacio público para todos

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 23 May 2020 in on the w terfront

Authors: Nicolás Del Real

Chandigarh outskirts: trama urbana, identitat i utopia social. Una aproximació des de les arts visuals.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 February 2023 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Albert Macaya

The aesthetics of green guerrilla. From activism to fine art

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 March 2021 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek

Del signo a la doble imagen: paisaje/cara-cara/paisaje, a propósito de unas estampas de Picasso

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 July 2022 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Maria Rosa Vives Piqué

Cultural commons as a key for bottom-linked policies. An exploration of the support for public and community partnerships in Barcelona.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 9 December 2022 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Santiago Eizaguirre Anglada

La búsqueda del centro. Segunda parte

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 February 2022 in on the w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Antoni Remesar

Public Art in Urban Regeneration. Piotrkowska street. Pride of a city: Łódź

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 21 June 2020 in on the w terfront

Authors: Antoni Remesar

El espacio expositivo. Tema y montaje de las Muestras Bienales de Arquitectura chilena

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 28 April 2021 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration

Authors: Cristián Felipe Bustamante Prieto | Angelique Trachana

Arte, Memoria y Territorio. Estudio de caso del proyecto “muralismo en mi barrio” en Huechuraba, Chile

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 October 2021 in on the w terfront Public Art Urban Design Civic Participation Urban Regeneration

Authors: Daniel Carrasco- Bahamonde

Arte y Cultura en procesos de transformación de entornos conflictivos. La Comuna 13 de Medellín

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 September 2022 in on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration