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La coordination entre urbanisme et transport au concret : le cas des couvertures d’infrastructures

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 26 September 2018 in Flux

Authors: Joël Idt | Stéphanie Leheis

The history of highway nodes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1991 in Flux

Authors: Marc Desportes

La fractalité des structures urbaines (Pierre Frankhauser)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1997 in Flux

Authors: Václav Stránský

Communication électronique et réseaux sociaux

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1997 in Flux

Authors: Michel Grossetti


JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 March 1992 in Flux

Authors: Gabriel Dupuy

New books in the geography of telecommunications

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1994 in Flux

Authors: Jean-Marc Offner

L'entreprise virtuelle : ou les Nouveaux Modes de Travail (Denis Ettighoffer)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 1993 in Flux

Authors: Frédéric Sourice

La dynamique des complémentarités et des conflits dans un réseau d'entreprises (note de recherche)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1999 in Flux

Authors: Christophe Assens

Economie de la connaissance et organisations. Entreprises, territoires, réseaux (sous la direction de Guilhon В., Orillard M., Zimmermann J-B.)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2000 in Flux

Authors: Anne Marchais-Roubelat

I vantaggi competitivi délie città: un confronto in ambito europeo (sous la direction de Corinna Morandi)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 1997 in Flux

Authors: Mario Fumagalli

Des banques et des réseaux: productivité et avantages concurrentiels (Frantz Rowe)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 1995 in Flux

Authors: Luc Béal

La révolution ferroviaire. La formation des compagnies de chemins de fer en France (1823-1870) (Georges Ribeill)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1996 in Flux

Authors: Pierre Zembri

Agents et bureaux de poste dans les quartiers sensibles

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2000 in Flux

Authors: Suzanne Rosenberg

Économie des réseaux (Nicolas Curien)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2000 in Flux

Authors: Anne Marchais-Roubelat

Repères bibliographiques - Revue des revues

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2000 in Flux

The municipal telegraph network: origins of the fire and police alarm systems in American cities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 September 1992 in Flux

Authors: Joel A.

Résumés / Abstracts

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 March 1996 in Flux

Liste des notes de lecture

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 1999 in Flux

City lights: the establishment of the first Swedish gas-works

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1990 in Flux

Authors: Arne Kaijser

Urban administration, new technologies and corporate economics. An interview with Georges Mercadal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1991 in Flux

Authors: Gabriel Dupuy | Jean-Marc Offner | Georges Mercadal