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Particle-impact analysis of the degree of cluster formation of rutile nanoparticles in aqueous solution

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2017 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: Kenichi Shimizu | Stanislav V. Sokolov | Neil P. Young | Richard G. Compton

Stabilization of proteins embedded in sugars and water as studied by dielectric spectroscopy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Vetenskapsrådet (2015-05434)

Authors: Christoffer Olsson | Rano Zangana | Jan Swenson

Nutrient removal and energy production in a urine treatment process using magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation and a microbial fuel cell technique

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2012 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: Guo-Long Zang | Guo-Ping Sheng | Wen-Wei Li | Zhong-Hua Tong | Raymond J. Zeng | Chen Shi | Han-Qing Yu

Understanding electro-catalysis by using density functional theory

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51631004) | Program for Jilin University Science and Technology Innovative Research Team (2017TD-09)

Authors: Z. W. Chen | L. X. Chen | Z. Wen | Q. Jiang

Infrared spectroscopy of O˙ and OH in water clusters: evidence for fast interconversion between O˙ and OH˙OH

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2017 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Austrian Science Fund (M1983-N34,M2001-NBL)

Authors: Jozef Lengyel | Milan Ončák | Andreas Herburger | Christian van der Linde | Martin K. Beyer

Unified treatment and measurement of the spectral resolution and temporal effects in frequency-resolved sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2013 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: Luis Velarde | Hong-Fei Wang

Large cluster ions: soft local probes and tools for organic and bio surfaces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique - FNRS (PDR T.0065.18,PDR T.0082.15) | Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (ARC iBEAM)

Authors: Arnaud Delcorte | Vincent Delmez | Christine Dupont-Gillain | Clément Lauzin | Hannah Jefford | Mykhailo Chundak | Claude Poleunis | Konstantin Moshkunov

Probing the protic ionic liquid surface using X-ray reflectivity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2011 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: Deborah Wakeham | Andrew Nelson | Gregory G. Warr | Rob Atkin

Protein motions and dynamic effects in enzyme catalysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2015 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (DTG) | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (6/B15285, BB/E008380/1,BB/J005266/1,BB/L02039)

Authors: Louis Y. P. Luk | E. Joel Loveridge | Rudolf K. Allemann

Accuracy of intermolecular interaction energies, particularly those of hetero-atom containing molecules obtained by DFT calculations with Grimme's D2, D3 and D3BJ dispersion corrections

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (JPMJCR18J2)

Authors: Seiji Tsuzuki | Tadafumi Uchimaru

Liquid silver tris(perfluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate salts as new media for propene/propane separation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2016 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (EXC 315)

Authors: Daniel Pliquett | Peter S. Schulz | Frank W. Heinemann | Angela Bause | Peter Wasserscheid

O vacancies on steps on the CeO2(111) surface

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: Sergey M. Kozlov | Konstantin M. Neyman

Size dependent catalysis with CTAB-stabilized gold nanoparticles

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2012 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: R. Fenger | E. Fertitta | H. Kirmse | A. F. Thünemann | K. Rademann

The N(4S) + O2(X3Σ−g) ↔ O(3P) + NO(X2Π) reaction: thermal and vibrational relaxation rates for the 2A′, 4A′ and 2A′′ states

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (200021-117810,200020-188724)

Authors: Juan Carlos San Vicente Veliz | Debasish Koner | Max Schwilk | Raymond J. Bemish | Markus Meuwly

Full-dimensional automated potential energy surface development and detailed dynamics for the CH2OO + NH3 reaction

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by National Research, Development and Innovation Office (K-125317) | Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap (TKP2021-NVA-19,TKP2021- NVA)

Authors: Cangtao Yin | Gábor Czakó

Role of an ethyl radical and the problem of HF(v) bimodal vibrational distribution in the F(2P) + C2H6 → HF(v) + C2H5 reaction

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2018 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: J. Espinosa-Garcia | M. Garcia-Chamorro

Molecular interaction balanced one- and two-dimensional hybrid nanoarchitectures for high-performance supercapacitors

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Henan University of Technology (31401546) | Science and Technology Department, Henan Province (192102210044,182102410092)

Authors: Mingxia Lu | Gang Wang | Bo Li | Jing Chen | Jingchao Zhang | Zhe Li | Bo Hou

Chemically-synthesised, atomically-precise gold clusters deposited and activated on titania

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2013 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Authors: David P. Anderson | Jason F. Alvino | Alexander Gentleman | Hassan Al Qahtani | Lars Thomsen | Matthew I. J. Polson | Gregory F. Metha | Vladimir B. Golovko | Gunther G. Andersson

Automated full-dimensional potential energy surface development and quasi-classical dynamics for the HI(X1Σ+) + C2H5 → I(2P3/2) + C2H6 reaction

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Emberi Eroforrások Minisztériuma (20391-3/2018/FEKUSTRAT,TKP2021-NVA-19) | Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal (K-125317)

Authors: Cangtao Yin | Gábor Czakó

Proton transfer dynamics modified by CH-stretching excitation

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Research funded by Austrian Science Fund (P25956-N20,T962-N34)

Authors: Tim Michaelsen | Björn Bastian | Patrick Strübin | Jennifer Meyer | Roland Wester