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The need for thorough phase II studies in medicines development for Alzheimer’s disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2015 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Julian A. Gray | David Fleet | Bengt Winblad

Lewy Body Dementia Association’s Industry Advisory Council: proceedings of the second annual meeting

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Jennifer G. Goldman | Bradley F. Boeve | Melissa J. Armstrong | Doug R. Galasko | James E. Galvin | David J. Irwin | James B. Leverenz | Karen Marder | Victor Abler | Kevin Biglan | Michael C. Irizarry | Bill Keller | Robert Lai | Leanne Munsie | Michael Belleville | Ondrea Chaney | Ian Richard | Angela Taylor | Todd Graham

Early activation of Toll-like receptor-3 reduces the pathological progression of Alzheimer’s disease in APP/PS1 mouse

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 16 February 2023 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (82171420,82171420,82171420,82171420,82171420,82171420,82171420,81571469,82171420,82171420,82171420)

Authors: Shang Wang | Taiyang Zhu | Wanyan Ni | Chao Zhou | Hui Zhou | Li Lin | Yuting Hu | Xiaoyu Sun | Jingjing Han | Yan Zhou | Guoliang Jin | Jie Zu | Hongjuan Shi | Xingxing Yang | Zuohui Zhang | Fang Hua

Are neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia linked to CSF biomarkers of synaptic and axonal degeneration?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Victor Bloniecki | Henrik Zetterberg | Dag Aarsland | Patrizia Vannini | Hlin Kvartsberg | Bengt Winblad | Kaj Blennow | Yvonne Freund-Levi

Naming is not explaining: future directions for the “cognitive reserve” and “brain maintenance” theories

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by FP7 Ideas: European Research Council (2007-2013) | Vetenskapsrådet (446-2013-7189)

Authors: Jonna Nilsson | Martin Lövdén

Repurposing beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonists for Alzheimer’s disease: beneficial effects in a mouse model

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Alzheimer Society Research Program (#20-01) | Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP 102532) | Canadian Foundation for Innovation (34480)

Authors: Marine Tournissac | Tra-My Vu | Nika Vrabic | Clara Hozer | Cyntia Tremblay | Koralie Mélançon | Emmanuel Planel | Fabien Pifferi | Frédéric Calon

Near-infrared light reduces β-amyloid-stimulated microglial toxicity and enhances survival of neurons: mechanisms of light therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 18 June 2022 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Yurii V. Stepanov | Iuliia Golovynska | Renlong Zhang | Sergii Golovynskyi | Liudmyla I. Stepanova | Oleksandr Gorbach | Taisa Dovbynchuk | Liudmyla V. Garmanchuk | Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy | Junle Qu

EEG alpha reactivity and cholinergic system integrity in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Wellcome Trust (WT088441MA) | Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (na) | National Institute for Health Research (na) | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (na) | Alzheimer's research UK (na)

Authors: Julia Schumacher | Alan J. Thomas | Luis R. Peraza | Michael Firbank | Ruth Cromarty | Calum A. Hamilton | Paul C. Donaghy | John T. O’Brien | John-Paul Taylor

Dietary arachidonic acid increases deleterious effects of amyloid-β oligomers on learning abilities and expression of AMPA receptors: putative role of the ACSL4-cPLA2 balance

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2017 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Association France Alzheimer (AAP 2011)

Authors: Mélanie H. Thomas | Cédric Paris | Mylène Magnien | Julie Colin | Sandra Pelleïeux | Florence Coste | Marie-Christine Escanyé | Thierry Pillot | Jean-Luc Olivier

Plasma amyloid-β oligomerization assay as a pre-screening test for amyloid status

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Rosha Babapour Mofrad | Philip Scheltens | SangYun Kim | Sungmin Kang | Young Chul Youn | Seong Soo A. An | Jori Tomassen | Bart N. M. van Berckel | Pieter Jelle Visser | Wiesje M. van der Flier | Charlotte E. Teunissen

Differential impairment of cerebrospinal fluid synaptic biomarkers in the genetic forms of frontotemporal dementia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 August 2022 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Aitana Sogorb-Esteve | Johanna Nilsson | Imogen J. Swift | Carolin Heller | Martina Bocchetta | Lucy L. Russell | Georgia Peakman | Rhian S. Convery | John C. van Swieten | Harro Seelaar | Barbara Borroni | Daniela Galimberti | Raquel Sanchez-Valle | Robert Laforce | Fermin Moreno | Matthis Synofzik | Caroline Graff | Mario Masellis | Maria Carmela Tartaglia | James B. Rowe | Rik Vandenberghe | Elizabeth Finger | Fabrizio Tagliavini | Isabel Santana | Chris R. Butler | Simon Ducharme | Alexander Gerhard | Adrian Danek | Johannes Levin | Markus Otto | Sandro Sorbi | Isabelle Le Ber | Florence Pasquier | Johan Gobom | Ann Brinkmalm | Kaj Blennow | Henrik Zetterberg | Jonathan D. Rohrer | Annabel Nelson | Arabella Bouzigues | Caroline V Greaves | David Cash | David L Thomas | Emily Todd | Hanya Benotmane | Jennifer Nicholas | Kiran Samra | Rachelle Shafei | Carolyn Timberlake | Thomas Cope | Timothy Rittman | Alberto Benussi | Enrico Premi | Roberto Gasparotti | Silvana Archetti | Stefano Gazzina | Valentina Cantoni | Andrea Arighi | Chiara Fenoglio | Elio Scarpini | Giorgio Fumagalli | Vittoria Borracci | Giacomina Rossi | Giorgio Giaccone | Giuseppe Di Fede | Paola Caroppo | Pietro Tiraboschi | Sara Prioni | Veronica Redaelli | David Tang-Wai | Ekaterina Rogaeva | Miguel Castelo-Branco | Morris Freedman | Ron Keren | Sandra Black | Sara Mitchell | Christen Shoesmith | Robart Bartha | Rosa Rademakers | Jackie Poos | Janne M. Papma | Lucia Giannini | Rick van Minkelen | Yolande Pijnenburg | Benedetta Nacmias | Camilla Ferrari | Cristina Polito | Gemma Lombardi | Valentina Bessi | Michele Veldsman | Christin Andersson | Hakan Thonberg | Linn Öijerstedt | Vesna Jelic | Paul Thompson | Tobias Langheinrich | Albert Lladó | Anna Antonell | Jaume Olives | Mircea Balasa | Nuria Bargalló | Sergi Borrego-Ecija | Alexandre de Mendonça | Ana Verdelho | Carolina Maruta | Catarina B. Ferreira | Gabriel Miltenberger | Frederico Simões do Couto | Alazne Gabilondo | Ana Gorostidi | Jorge Villanua | Marta Cañada | Mikel Tainta | Miren Zulaica | Myriam Barandiaran | Patricia Alves | Benjamin Bender | Carlo Wilke | Lisa Graf | Annick Vogels | Mathieu Vandenbulcke | Philip Van Damme | Rose Bruffaerts | Koen Poesen | Pedro Rosa-Neto | Serge Gauthier | Agnès Camuzat | Alexis Brice | Anne Bertrand | Aurélie Funkiewiez | Daisy Rinaldi | Dario Saracino | Olivier Colliot | Sabrina Sayah | Catharina Prix | Elisabeth Wlasich | Olivia Wagemann | Sandra Loosli | Sonja Schönecker | Tobias Hoegen | Jolina Lombardi | Sarah Anderl-Straub | Adeline Rollin | Gregory Kuchcinski | Maxime Bertoux | Thibaud Lebouvier | Vincent Deramecourt | Beatriz Santiago | Diana Duro | Maria João Leitão | Maria Rosario Almeida | Miguel Tábuas-Pereira | Sónia Afonso | on behalf of the GENetic FTD Initiative

Cerebrospinal fluid phospho-tau T217 outperforms T181 as a biomarker for the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and PET amyloid-positive patient identification

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2020 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by National Institutes of Health (NS065667,NS095773) | Direction de l’hospitalisation et de l’offre de Soins (PHRC-N-PROMARA-14-09)

Authors: Nicolas R. Barthélemy | Randall J. Bateman | Christophe Hirtz | Philippe Marin | François Becher | Chihiro Sato | Audrey Gabelle | Sylvain Lehmann

An integrative multi-omics approach reveals new central nervous system pathway alterations in Alzheimer’s disease

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2021 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Stiftung Synapsis - Alzheimer Forschung Schweiz AFS (2017-PI01) | Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF 320030_141179)

Authors: Christopher Clark | Loïc Dayon | Mojgan Masoodi | Gene L. Bowman | Julius Popp

Histone deacetylase inhibitors VPA and WT161 ameliorate the pathological features and cognitive impairments of the APP/PS1 Alzheimer’s disease mouse model by regulating the expression of APP secretases

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 20 January 2024 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81801323,32170649,92046014) | Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Jointed Research Program, China (19JCZDJC64700,19JCZDJC64700) | National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC1001900)

Authors: Miaomiao Zhang | Wanyao Wang | Qun Ye | Yun Fu | Xuemin Li | Ke Yang | Fan Gao | An Zhou | Yonghui Wei | Shuang Tian | Shen Li | Fengjiang Wei | Wentao Shi | Wei-Dong Li

Novel botanical drug DA-9803 prevents deficits in Alzheimer’s mouse models

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Korea Drug Development Fund (KDDF-201606-03) | National Institutes of Health (P30NS045776,S10RR025645)

Authors: Guillaume J. Pagnier | Ksenia V. Kastanenka | Miwon Sohn | Sangzin Choi | Song-hyen Choi | HyeYeon Soh | Brian J. Bacskai

Serum phosphorylated tau protein 181 and neurofilament light chain in cognitively impaired heart failure patients

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 10 October 2022 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (01EO1004)

Authors: Jan Traub | Markus Otto | Roxane Sell | Dennis Göpfert | György Homola | Petra Steinacker | Patrick Oeckl | Caroline Morbach | Stefan Frantz | Mirko Pham | Stefan Störk | Guido Stoll | Anna Frey

Is the clinical phenotype impact the prognosis in dementia with Lewy bodies?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 October 2023 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Clément Aveneau | David Wallon | Bertrand Degos | Alexandre Obadia | Claire Hourregue | Sarah Benisty | Béatrice Garcin | Julien Dumurgier | Claire Paquet

Safety and tolerability of donepezil 23 mg with or without intermediate dose titration in patients with Alzheimer’s disease taking donepezil 10 mg: a multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-design, three-arm, prospective trial

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2019 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by Asan Institute for Life Sciences, Asan Medical Center (2014-0576)

Authors: Yun Jeong Hong | on behalf of the ODESA study (Optimal Dose Escalation Strategy to Successful Achievement of High Dose Donepezil 23 mg) | Hyun Jeong Han | Young Chul Youn | Kyung Won Park | Dong Won Yang | SangYun Kim | Hwa Jung Kim | Ji Eun Kim | Jae-Hong Lee

IgM response against amyloid-beta in aging: a potential peripheral protective mechanism

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2018 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Research funded by National Institute on Aging (AG045216,P50 AG16573) | National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1 TR000153) | UCI-MIND (Pilot grant)

Authors: Sudhanshu Agrawal | Edsel M. Abud | Shikha Snigdha | Anshu Agrawal

Exploring shared neural substrates underlying cognition and gait variability in adults without dementia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 November 2023 in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Authors: Seonjeong Byun | Hyang Jun Lee | Jun Sung Kim | Euna Choi | Subin Lee | Tae Hui Kim | Jae Hyoung Kim | Ji Won Han | Ki Woong Kim