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Circumnavigating the Aegean question: Joint development of the Aegean Sea by Greece and Türkiye

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Murat Sümer

Reflections on the ‘Statement on the Lack of Foundation on International Law of the Independence Referendum that Has Been Convened in Catalonia’ on the occasion of its third anniversary

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Helena Torroja Mateu

The European Union-Turkey Cooperation on Migration matters: Towards a Review of the Migratory Statement of 18 march 2016

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Jorge Urbaneja Cillán

El Universo de la posCOVID-19 y la recuperación de las libertades individuales

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2021 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Gilbert

Human Rights and Gender Aspects in United Nations Peacekeeping Operation Mandates: How did they sneak in?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: María Avello Martinez

OANTA, G.A. (coord.), El Derecho del mar y las personas y grupos vulnerables, Bosch Editor, Barcelona, 2018

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Annina Bürgin

JOURNAL ISSUE published 2020 in Paix et Securite Internationales

The Post-COVID-19 Universe and the Recovery of Individual Freedoms

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2021 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Gilbert

The European Union Fight against Trafficking of Human Beings: Challenges of the Victim’s Statute

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2020 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Maria Esther Jordana Santiago

Mutualisation des puissances et securite en Afrique : pour une approche neopragmatiste du role du Droit

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2019 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Omar Kourouma

España y las capacidades submarinas de los países del entorno mediterráneo

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Luis Romero Bartumeus

La lucha contra el cambio climático después de la cumbre de Glasgow en un nuevo escenario, la guerra de Ucrania

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Jesús Verdú Baeza

FAJARDO DEL CASTILLO, T., La Diplomacia del Clima de la Unión Europea. La Acción Exterior sobre Cambio Climático y el Pacto Verde Mundial, Ed. Reus, Madrid, 2021, 188 pp.

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Enrique del Álamo Marchena

Ceuta, Melilla Gibraltar y el Sáhara Occidental. Estrategias españolas y europeas para las ciudades de frontera exterior en África, y los peñones de Vélez y Alhucemas

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Alejandro Del Valle Gálvez

OANTA, G.A. and SÁNCHEZ RAMOS, B. (eds.), Irregular Migrations in Europe: A Perspective from the Sea Basins, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2022, 362 pages

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Christoph R. Schreinmoser

JOURNAL ISSUE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Ad Portas Europae. Singularity of Migrations in the Strait of Gibraltar Area. Southern External Borders, European Narratives and Values

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Alejandro del Valle Gálvez

Compliance with the International Gender Framework in Maritime Mixed Migration Interception and Rescue Operations: The Case of Spain in a European Context

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Isabel Lirola-Delgado

Paix et Securite Internationales

JOURNAL published

Is the UNSC Resolution No. 2664 (2022) on humanitarian exemption a paradigm shift for sanction regimes?

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Paix et Securite Internationales

Authors: Francesco Seatzu | Paolo Vargiu