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Improvement of pest control in stone fruits within an areawide strategy

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Valentina Mujica | Roberto Zoppolo

Información: VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 August 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Inés Gazzano Santos | Fábio Kessler Dal Soglio | Santiago Sarandón

Looking for an effective, affordable and sustainable approach to control pest species: the case of screwworm

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Alejo Menchaca

Encapsulated bioactive compounds from a winemaking byproduct for its application as functional ingredient in yogurt

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 January 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Victoria Olt | Jessica Baéz | Santiago Jorcin | Tomás López | Adriana Maite Fernández-Fernández | Alejandra Medrano Fernandez

Biological activity and chemical composition of native fruits: a review

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 January 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Elisa dos Santos Pereira | Chirle de Oliveira Raphaelli | Marjana Radünz | Taiane Mota Camargo | Márcia Vizzotto

Biological control of the pear psylla: studies of its natural enemies and aspects of its chemical communication: Doctoral thesis abstract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 April 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Diana Valle López

Study and dynamics of potassium in agricultural soils of Uruguay: Doctoral thesis abstract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 October 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Marcelo Gabriel Ferrando Urrutia

Study of the structural and functional diversity of microbial communities in Uruguayan soils with respect to phosphorus phytoavailability: Doctoral thesis abstract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 13 July 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Silvia Garaycochea Solsona

Genetic parameter estimates for Eucalyptus dunnii wood properties assessed by multiple methods

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 20 November 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Craig Hardner | Michael Bird | Monica Heberling | Peter Gore

Characterization of wood properties in Montes del Plata genetic field trials

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 20 November 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Mónica Heberling | Leandro Valiero | Cristián Montouto | Simón de Mello

Performance of Eucalyptus tereticornis provenances in subtropical climate

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 12 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Milena Daiana Gonzalez Chaves | Fernando Resquín | Gustavo Balmelli

Honeydew honey production in honey bees colonies affected by the River disease in Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 22 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Enrique Nogueira | Pablo Juri | Estela Santos | Ciro Invernizzi

Baseline of the outcropping Guarani Aquifer System in Rivera and Tacuarembó, Uruguay: Piezometry and Vulnerability

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 May 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Paula Collazo

Identifying agroecological transition pathways based on the Global Approach to Agricultural Systems: the case of family livestock farmers in northern Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 June 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Inés Ferreira Rivaben | Virginia Rossi | Mercedes Figari | Eduardo Chia

Development of comprehensive calibration models for pulp traits by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for pure species and hybrids of Corymbia and Eucalyptus

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 20 November 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Nagabhushana Kotrappa | Deepak Hegde | Rathinam Kamalakannan | Rajkumar Rathinavelu | Mohan Varghese

How to foster changes towards farm sustainability?: learning outcomes from a co-innovation project on vegetable-beef cattle family farms in Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 December 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Paula Colnago | Gina Favretto | María Eugenia Carriquiry | Mariela Bianco | Matías Carámbula | Gustavo Cabrera | Walter A. H. Rossing | Santiago Dogliotti

Pre-emergent herbicides: benefits and restrictions for rational use

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 September 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Juana Villalba

Impacts of irrigation development on water quality in the San Salvador watershed (Part 1): Assessment of current nutrient delivery and transport using SWAT

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 February 2024 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Florencia Hastings | Mario Pérez-Bidegain | Rafael Navas | Angela Gorgoglione

Historical perspective and new avenues to control the myiasis-causing fly Cochliomyia hominivorax in Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 18 November 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Pablo Fresia | Sabrina Pimentel | Victoria Iriarte | Laura Marques | Verónica Durán | Anderson Saravia | Rossina Novas | Tatiana Basika | Alejandra Ferenczi | Daniel Castells | Tatiana Saporiti | Ulises Cuore | Santiago Losiewicz | Federico Fernández | Gabriel Ciappesoni | Marco Dalla-Rizza | Alejo Menchaca

Assessing MODIS16A2 actual evapotranspiration across three spatial resolutions in Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 25 June 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Rafael Navas | Guadalupe Tiscornia | Andrés G. Berger | Álvaro Otero