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Light particle emission probabilities in dissipative collisions

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 February 1993 in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Authors: V P Aleshin

Low-energy excitations and occupation probabilities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1993 in Nuclear Physics A

Authors: H. Müther | L.D. Skouras

Cluster preformation probabilities and fine-structure effects in heavy-cluster decays using folding potentials

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 1993 in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Authors: R K Gupta | M Horoi | A Sandulescu | M Greiner | W Scheid

Langevin fluctuation-dissipation dynamics of hot nuclei: Prescission neutron multiplicities and fission probabilities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1993 in Nuclear Physics A

Authors: P. Fröbrich | I.I. Gontchar | N.D. Mavlitov

Level structure and transition probabilities in140Ce

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 August 1993 in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Authors: M Grinberg | T K Dinh | C Protochristov | I Penev | C Stoyanov | W Andrejtscheff

First-flight escape probabilities for infinite cylinders having a quadratic source distribution

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1993 in Annals of Nuclear Energy

Authors: D.L. Henderson

On the calculation of transition probabilities with correlated angular-momentum-projected wave functions and realistic forces

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1993 in Nuclear Physics A

Authors: J.L. Egido | L.M. Robledo | Y. Sun

A generalization of Weinstein's procedure for calculating bounds to quantum-mechanical quantities

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 21 March 1974 in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General

Authors: M Cohen | T Feldmann

A transmission/escape probabilities model for neutral particle transport in the outer regions of a diverted tokamak

JOURNAL ARTICLE published October 1994 in Nuclear Fusion

Authors: Jr. W.M Stacey | J Mandrekas

Critical mass in nonzero temperature QCD with staggered fermions

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1993 in Nuclear Physics B

Authors: I.M. Barbour | A.J. Bell | E.G. Klepfish

Experimental evidence of edge turbulence driven by multiple mechanisms in ATF

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1993 in Nuclear Fusion

Authors: C Hidalgo | J.H Harris | T Uckan | G.R Hanson | J.D Bell | M.A Meier | C.P Ritz | A.J Wootton

Generalization to SU4 of the Okubo mass formula

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 1975 in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics

Authors: A J Macfarlane

Observation of rational magnetic surfaces in TFTR using the emission from ablating deuterium pellets

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1993 in Nuclear Fusion

Authors: D.K Mansfield | A.T Ramsey | M.G Bell | E.D Fredrickson | F.C Jobes | D.K Owens | G.L Schmidt | G Taylor

Characterization of various divertor biasing schemes on TdeV

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 1993 in Nuclear Fusion

Authors: A Boileau | J.-L Lachambre | G Abel | P Couture | A Cote

Phenomenology of high density disruptions in the TFTR tokamak

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1993 in Nuclear Fusion

Authors: E.D Fredrickson | K.M McGuire | M.G Bell | C.E Bush | R.V Budny | A.C Janos | D.K Mansfield | Y Nagayama | H.K Park | J.F Schivell | G Taylor | M.C Zarnstorff

Baryogenesis from collapsing cosmic string loops

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1993 in Nuclear Physics B

Authors: Anne-Christine Davis | Michael A. Earnshaw

Fission decay probabilities and electrofission cross sections for the238U giant resonances

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 1983 in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics

Authors: A G Flowers | A C Shotter

Characterization of the Thermalness of a Fissile System with a Two-Group Diffusion Theory Parameter

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 1993 in Nuclear Technology

Authors: Brent B. Bredehoft | Robert D. Busch

Algebraic methods in quantum mechanics with applications to nuclear and molecular structure

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 1993 in Nuclear Physics A

Authors: F. Iachello

Isospin dependence of kinetic energies in light neutron-rich nuclei

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1993 in Nuclear Physics A

Authors: Kitagawa Hisashi | Sagawa Hiroyuki