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Alteration of the gut microbiota following SARS-CoV-2 infection correlates with disease severity in hamsters

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 December 2022 in Gut Microbes

Research funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-17-CE15-0020-01)

Authors: Valentin Sencio | Arnaud Machelart | Cyril Robil | Nicolas Benech | Eik Hoffmann | Chloé Galbert | Lucie Deryuter | Séverine Heumel | Aline Hantute-Ghesquier | Anne Flourens | Priscille Brodin | Fabrice Infanti | Virgile Richard | Jean Dubuisson | Corinne Grangette | Thierry Sulpice | Isabelle Wolowczuk | Florence Pinet | Vincent Prévot | Sandrine Belouzard | François Briand | Martine Duterque-Coquillaud | Harry Sokol | François Trottein