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Reconstructing Asian faunal introductions to eastern Africa from multi-proxy biomolecular and archaeological datasets

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 17 August 2017 in PLOS ONE

Research funded by European Research Council (206148) | Natural Environment Research Council (NF/2011/2/3) | Natural Environment Research Council (NF/2012/2/4) | Natural Environment Research Council (NF/2013/2/1) | Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UF120473) | British Academy (PF100114) | Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/L006979/1) | European Research Council (337574) | Wenner-Gren Foundation (US) (Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship)

Authors: Mary E. Prendergast | Michael Buckley | Alison Crowther | Laurent Frantz | Heidi Eager | Ophélie Lebrasseur | Rainer Hutterer | Ardern Hulme-Beaman | Wim Van Neer | Katerina Douka | Margaret-Ashley Veall | Eriéndira M. Quintana Morales | Verena J. Schuenemann | Ella Reiter | Richard Allen | Evangelos A. Dimopoulos | Richard M. Helm | Ceri Shipton | Ogeto Mwebi | Christiane Denys | Mark Horton | Stephanie Wynne-Jones | Jeffrey Fleisher | Chantal Radimilahy | Henry Wright | Jeremy B. Searle | Johannes Krause | Greger Larson | Nicole L. Boivin

Editors: Dong Hoon Shin