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A conformational role for NifW in the maturation of molybdenum nitrogenase P-cluster

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-005889,OPP1143172) | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DE 1877/1-1) | U.S. Department of Energy (DE-SC0010834,DE-SC0010867)

Authors: Casey Van Stappen | Emilio Jiménez-Vicente | Ana Pérez-González | Zhi-Yong Yang | Lance C. Seefeldt | Serena DeBeer | Dennis R. Dean | Laure Decamps

Front cover

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2021 in Chemical Science

Highly selective acid-catalyzed olefin isomerization of limonene to terpinolene by kinetic suppression of overreactions in a confined space of porous metal–macrocycle frameworks

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JP 16H06509, JP18H04502)

Authors: Wei He | Shohei Tashiro | Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Back cover

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Hexafluoroisobutylation of enolates through a tandem elimination/allylic shift/hydrofluorination reaction

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (FLUORSUP/ANR-20-CE06-0008)

Authors: Aline Delamare | Guillaume Naulet | Brice Kauffmann | Gilles Guichard | Guillaume Compain

Synthesis and characterisation of the ternary intermetalloid clusters {M@[As8(ZnMes)4]}3− (M = Nb, Ta) from binary [M@As8]3− precursors

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin City (20JCYBJC01560,B2021202077) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (21971118,92161102) | EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Additive Manufacturing (EP/L015722/1) | 111 Project (B18030)

Authors: Wei-Qiang Zhang | Harry W. T. Morgan | John E. McGrady | Zhong-Ming Sun

Subphthalocyanine capsules: molecular reactors for photoredox transformations of fullerenes

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Gobierno de España (PID2020-115801RB-C21,PID2020-116490GB-I00)

Authors: Marta Moreno-Simoni | Tomás Torres | Gema de la Torre

Heavy metalla vinyl-cations show metal–Lewis acid cooperativity in reaction with small molecules (NH3, N2H4, H2O, H2)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (INST 40/575-1 FUGG)

Authors: Maximilian Auer | Janina Bolten | Klaus Eichele | Hartmut Schubert | Christian P. Sindlinger | Lars Wesemann

Correction: The oxygen-resistant [FeFe]-hydrogenase CbA5H harbors an unknown radical signal

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2555/10-1,EXC 2033-390677874-RESOLV,RTG 2341)

Authors: Melanie Heghmanns | Andreas Rutz | Yury Kutin | Vera Engelbrecht | Martin Winkler | Thomas Happe | Müge Kasanmascheff

Spectroscopic application of few-femtosecond deep-ultraviolet laser pulses from resonant dispersive wave emission in a hollow capillary fibre

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P001459/1,EP/R030448/1,EP/T020903/1) | H2020 European Research Council (HISOL, No. 679649,ULIGHT, No. 899900)

Authors: Nikoleta Kotsina | Christian Brahms | Sebastian L. Jackson | John C. Travers | Dave Townsend

Oxidatively induced reactivity in Rh(iii)-catalyzed 7-azaindole synthesis: insights into the role of the silver additive

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R10-A1,IBS-R10-A2)

Authors: Ho Ryu | Bimal Pudasaini | Dasol Cho | Sungwoo Hong | Mu-Hyun Baik

Bare and ligand protected planar hexacoordinate silicon in SiSb3M3+ (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) clusters

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11922405,11874178,91961204,22173053,21873058)

Authors: Chen Chen | Meng-hui Wang | Lin-Yan Feng | Lian-Qing Zhao | Jin-Chang Guo | Hua-Jin Zhai | Zhong-hua Cui | Sudip Pan | Gabriel Merino

Contents list

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Orbital analysis of bonding in diarylhalonium salts and relevance to periodic trends in structure and reactivity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by National Science Foundation (CHE #1856705,CHE #1800599,MRI #0604188,MRI #1828753,DMS #1624776)

Authors: Shubhendu S. Karandikar | Avik Bhattacharjee | Bryan E. Metze | Nicole Javaly | Edward J. Valente | Theresa M. McCormick | David R. Stuart

Efficient visible/NIR light-driven uncaging of hydroxylated thiazole orange-based caged compounds in aqueous media

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (20K05747,21H00401,JP16H06280,JP17H06409,JP18H039351,JP19K22255,JPJSBP120195705,JPJSBP120218404,20H05669,JP19dm0207078) | Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (20ae0101041s0105,JP21am0101084) | Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (22EXC203)

Authors: Ryu Hashimoto | Masafumi Minoshima | Souhei Sakata | Fumihito Ono | Hirokazu Ishii | Yuki Watakabe | Tomomi Nemoto | Saeko Yanaka | Koichi Kato | Kazuya Kikuchi

Contents list

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Iridium-catalyzed asymmetric trans-selective hydrogenation of 1,3-disubstituted isoquinolines

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences (R01GM127972A)

Authors: Alexia N. Kim | Aurapat Ngamnithiporn | Michael D. Bartberger | Brian M. Stoltz

Ultrafast and selective labeling of endogenous proteins using affinity-based benzotriazole chemistry

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by H2020 European Research Council (ChemBioAP) | Vetenskapsrådet (2018-04585)

Authors: Xiaoyi Xin | Yu Zhang | Massimiliano Gaetani | Susanna L. Lundström | Roman A. Zubarev | Yuan Zhou | Dale P. Corkery | Yao-Wen Wu

Vortex fluidic induced mass transfer across immiscible phases

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Australian Research Council (DP200101105,DP200101106)

Authors: Matt Jellicoe | Aghil Igder | Clarence Chuah | Darryl B. Jones | Xuan Luo | Keith A. Stubbs | Emily M. Crawley | Scott J. Pye | Nikita Joseph | Kasturi Vimalananthan | Zoe Gardner | David P. Harvey | Xianjue Chen | Filomena Salvemini | Shan He | Wei Zhang | Justin M. Chalker | Jamie S. Quinton | Youhong Tang | Colin L. Raston

Asymmetric addition of Grignard reagents to ketones: culmination of the ligand-mediated methodology allows modular construction of chiral tertiary alcohols

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Chemical Science

Research funded by Irish Research Council (GOIPG/2017/1179,GOIPG/2018/2256) | Science Foundation Ireland (SFI-IFA/19/7427,12/RC/2275)

Authors: Claudio Monasterolo | Ryan O'Gara | Saranna E. Kavanagh | Sadbh E. Byrne | Bartosz Bieszczad | Orla Murray | Michael Wiesinger | Rebecca A. Lynch | Kirill Nikitin | Declan G. Gilheany