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Unleashing nature’s potential of Corymbia: Development of commercial genotypes and adaptation of populations for the forestry industry

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 20 November 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Paulo Silva | José Pinheiro | Graziela Vidaurre | Paulo Trugilho | Francides da Silva | Rinaldo de Paula

Nutritional and functional quality, and oxidative status of Pampa Rocha pork in an outdoor vs. a confined system: Doctoral thesis abstract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 15 February 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Cecilia Soledad Carballo Sánchez

Pasture and grassland productivity and foliar elongation of wheatgrass in Southern Patagonia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 28 July 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Victor Utrilla | Miguel Andrade | Paola Vargas | María Luz Alsina | Romina Aguilar | Julieta Galván

First record for Uruguay of Brassolis astyra Godart (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Brassolinae)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 21 July 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: C. M. Bentancourt | I. B. Scatoni

Dairy farm management: a typology of dairy farmers according to their disposition to the use of economic and physical records

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 21 July 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: D. Piñeiro | M. Chiappe | F. Graña

Non-destructive techniques for mitigating losses of fruits and vegetables

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 5 January 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Ana Cecilia Silveira | Silvia Rodríguez | Ricardo Kluge | Luiz Fabiano Palaretti | Carlos Inestroza | Victor H. Escalona

Resistiendo a los agroextractivismos: análisis de actores y trayectorias en defensa de los territorios mayas y emberá libres de transgénicos (2002-2020)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 August 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Beatriz López Arboleda | Narciso Barrera-Bassols | Irene Vélez-Torres

Diálogo de saberes: de la agrobiodiversidad útil hacia la construcción de conocimiento medicinal (Zautla, México)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 August 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Pablo De la Fuente Garnica | Alonso Gutiérrez Navarro

Characterization and functioning of the strawberry innovation system in Salto

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 9 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Pablo Nicolás Varela Pessolano | Pedro De Hegedüs | Raúl Gómez Miller | Esteban Vicente

Verificación de exploración radicular profunda de Eucalyptus grandis hasta rocas sedimentarias pérmicas del noreste uruguayo

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 May 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Sebastián Mármol | Luis Bentancor | Martín Francia | Andrés Hirigoyen | Mario Pérez Bidegain | Gonzalo Blanco | Martín Marcelo Pérez

Floristic composition and above-ground net primary production in natural grasslands on basaltic deep soils

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 17 May 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Patricia Cecilia Basile Lorenzo | Daniel Formoso | Oscar Blumetto

Treatment with 1-MCP: an alternative to extend storage in plums harvested with advanced maturity

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Ana Paula Candan | Gabriela Calvo

Prof. Dr. Jorge Bossi (1934-2020): father of modern Uruguayan geology

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 May 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Claudio Gaucher | Carlos Alberto Cingolani | Gonzalo Blanco | Daniel Piñeyro | Antonella Celio | Alejandro Ribot

VIII Encuentro Latinoamericano Prunus sin Fronteras: 6 al 8 de noviembre de 2019, INIA Las Brujas, Canelones, Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 6 April 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Maximiliano Dini

Número especial en homenaje al Prof. Jorge Bossi (1934-2020)

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 27 May 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Mario Pérez-Bidegain | Antonella Celio | Claudio Gaucher

Review on ecological interactions of the Cochliomyia hominivorax fly and assessment of the possible impacts of its eradication in Uruguay

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Ismael Etchevers | María Victoria Iriarte | Laura Marques | Alejandra Ferenczi | Marco Dalla Rizza | Jorge Marzaroli | Alejandro Saravia | Pablo Fresia

Nitrogen nutrition index at GS 3.3 is an effective tool to adjust nitrogen required to reach attainable wheat yield

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2022 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: César Nicolás Fassana | Esteban Martín Hoffman | Andrés Berger | Oswaldo Ernst

Effects of different comercial coatings on postharvest citrus fruit quality for export

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 10 February 2021 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Gerónimo Fernández Velazco | Federico Scaparoni | Maria Sisquella | Pedro Pintos | Eleana Luque | Ana Inés Moltini | Joanna Lado

Relationship between grass height, grazing management and avifauna in livestock systems in the eastern region of Uruguay: Doctoral thesis abstract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 19 February 2024 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Joaquín Aldabe Toribio

Problems of pesticide residues in grains

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 11 September 2023 in Agrociencia Uruguay

Authors: Cintia Palladino | Lucia Pareja | Silvia Pereyra | Carlos Pérez